Good morning men. What are your plans for the day?

  1. Help the girlfriend with her stuff. She has a presentation tomorrow for an event, needs to print out and cut a bunch of cards and prep other things. She also needs a new jacket, maybe some shoes, so I will go shopping with her now. It’s noon here and she’s still in pajamas, so I need to push her a bit.

  2. My girlfriend doesn’t feel good so looks like we are staying home and having a lazy day today since i don’t have to work. I should also prepare a few stuff for monday and clean a bit

  3. Working this morning and getting together with my nephews family to carve pumpkins and have a Halloween dinner this evening.

    What about you?

  4. Putting up drywall in the (soon-to-be finished) basement. Finished getting the insulation put in last night.

  5. It’s 4:58 am and all I wanna do right now is GTS, so Good Night Reddit!
    (And sweet dreams for later baby girl)!!!

  6. Not much. Some gaming, maybe hit downtown a bit sometime during the weekend. Bit of reading, and a workout.

  7. Gonna have a look at my home automation network to see what’s wrong with it, then watch some hockey and maybe some pc gaming. As little human interaction as possible would be nice as my social energy is very low after an intensive week. 🙂

  8. Assess a heavy equipment weld repair and sketch out a bill of materials. Order parts for it. Then check cows. Probably only work half a day since the major farm work is done for the season.

  9. Had a wonderful evening with the girlfriend last night. Now I’m about to have egg frittata and bacon for breakfast. Then head over to the dealership to get my oil changed. Then head to a friends house, she needs a new window put in; I’ll help with that. Then clean my kitchen and get ready to get my girls on Sunday evening.

  10. Get a hot coffee and a breakfast burrito, buy groceries, tidy up the apartment, begin Christmas shopping

  11. Clean the house, cook Lasagna, render some passes of a nude fairy in DAZ3D, spend some time in the garden, drink some wine in the evening while, probably play around with the Fairy again.

  12. It’s my only off day after working 60 hours so I’m going to do literally nothing

  13. Buddies and I are going to practice disc golf this morning in preparing for a fundraiser tournament tonight. Between that I’ll probably visit some friends I haven’t seen since I moved away.

  14. I have tickets to a comedy/magic show at the Improv. They said it’s all ages, so I’m taking my boys age 11 and 8. Also got the tickets via a Veterans org so it cost me $7 for the 3 of us vs $150 when I looked it up on the locations website.

  15. Heading round to my mate’s to work on a small project in his workshop then have a few beers and a curry.

  16. Zip across the city to my old jobsite where i forgot some tools, go to the store to get coloured icing to finish the birthday cake i baked last night, finish making somw stage props, drop my kid off at her cousins for a sleepover, drive to buddies house and theb all limo to a big hallowern party in ritziest part of town

  17. clean the shit tip of a kitchen, shower shave, bang some of this new beard oil i’ve got in.

    admin renewing passports drivers license ect then onto reading my book and playing vidya

  18. Starting the morning with a bit of metalwork, making a charcoal kiln to fuel my new forge with, and then going to a clothing optional Halloween party tonight.

  19. I’m going to send it on my mountain bike up in the hills. Late fall rides are where it’s at!

  20. Got up very late cause of hangover, am omw to work right now, which for today is gonna be in drag which is gonna be fun.

  21. Go to work, watch game 2 of the World Series, and then play video games with my friends. So overall a pretty good plan I’d say.

  22. Good morning!

    I’m going to go to the bank with my wife then we are getting brunch with my in-laws. After she and I might catch a movie.

    I hope you have a good day OP.

  23. Currently reading and some coffee, shooting with the wife and some friends, hanging out a bit, then Halloween party 🎃

  24. Hang out with some girl in Japan. She’s Japanese and we matched on Tinder, but I don’t think she’s interested in me like that at this point. We had a date and after she wasn’t super responsive, ie not that interested.

    I’m letting her stay in my hotel room while her hotel gets ready, and I feel like I’m being a bit used but I wouldn’t say no anyway, would be rude to turn her away.

  25. Chilling with my gf now. About to go hiking with a friend. Shopping for a couple costume things. Then going dancing tonight. Pretty damn fine Saturday!

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