what is ur stance on Kanye West?

  1. He really needs to see a mental health professional and get treated for his bipolar disorder ASAP.

  2. I stopped listening to his albums after My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Though Niggas in Paris was and is a great single.

    It’s hard to understate how transformative of an artist Kanye was in the 00s. He bent hip hop around himself.

    Dude’s always been egotistical and crazy, though.

  3. That he has gotten away for far too long for his antics and glad to see it finally catching up with him. I don’t care that people think he is a lyrical genius, he has a huge ego and thinks he can get away with anything. For a long time he did too (the [Taylor Swift](https://youtu.be/1z8gCZ7zpsQ?t=43) fiasco, [MTV Europe Awards meltdown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTJxj7a9-DA), [beating up paparazzi and was arrested for it](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/kanye-west-arrested-at-lax-for-smashing-paparazzi-cameras-255462/) several times over the years, etc.) but nice to see him getting consequences for his actions for once.

    And I used to like his music too, but his music doesn’t change his actions.

    EDIT: As someone is going to say it, him being bipolar is little excuse for his actions. This rhetoric that bipolar people actually act this unhinged all the time needs to stop and just gives a bad name to others dealing with the disorder. What Kanye does has little to do with his disorder and more to do with his ego.

  4. He’s been off in the deep end for awhile splashing around but saying he’s alright, but now he’s gone under and someone needs to go pull him out

  5. A man deeply in need of intense inpatient treatment, conservatorship, and a supervised medication regiment.

    I say this as a person with bi-polar disorder, not a flippant, off-hand Reddit comment: the man needs help.

    And de-nazified.

  6. I think he’s mentally ill and being used by various other entities for their own personal gain at his expense. He’s always been a bit of a wackadoo but the last few years he must be off his meds or something. His first few albums were fuckin bangers

  7. Some of his music is good. I haven’t listened to anything he’s made in about a decade.

    Don’t care for him outside of that.

  8. Kanye is certainly a complicated figure. He has said and done many reprehensible things, and he needs to deal with some sort of consequence. With that said. I feel bad for him in the sense that he has clearly been exploited and his mental instability has been idolized which has only facilitated this path of losing himself that he’s gone down. It is a very sad thing to see. I’m not sure about other countries. But in America we have a strong tendency to idolize people into insanity, depravity, and depression.

  9. Never got into his music for whatever reason. I do think “North West” was a ballin’ name.

    Never cared about his politics, not gonna start now.

  10. I have family and friends who struggle with Bipolar Disorder and I see how difficult it can be. But when their behavior enters into Kanye territory, they get help.

    If Kanye seeks help and works to reverse his damage, I think he could be redeemed.

    He really needs to surround himself with people who care for Kanye the human being and not what his influence can bring.

  11. I feel badly, he is clearly unwell and has shown over time that this is something he consistently struggles with.

    However, I do think that the platform he has to reach so many people might need to be reduced. He is impacting others-see the people who hung the “Kanye was right about the Jews” sign from the highway. The guy who attacked Nancy pelosis husband posted about anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and even referenced Kanye. It is becoming dangerous.

    And I don’t know where the line is for him. People can be both mentally ill and bigots when they are well. I don’t know where his falls.

  12. I know he’s always had an ego the size of the sun, but I don’t care about him as a person as I don’t follow celebrities. Although I do like his mid-2000’s albums even if I don’t care about him personally.

  13. Late Registration came out right before I deployed. Somebody in my shop had a copy and we listened to it a lot.

    Outside of that one soft spot, I don’t give a damn about him. He definitely needs help though.

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