When it comes to ejaculating, is that something we can do everyday for a lifetime? Assuming an 80 year lifetime?

I heard as men get older, erections become more rare, therefore ejaculating occurs less often. Is this due to age? Or is it due to high amounts of ejaculation?

If it’s due to age, would that mean that I would be better off ejaculating as often as I can while I’m younger because I won’t be able to do it when I’m older?

Or if it’s due to high amounts of ejaculation, does that mean I would be better off “saving” my ejaculations for special moments like real life sex? And taking tolerance breaks from masturbating?

For example, if 30,000 ejaculations is the maximum amount of ejaculations you can have in a lifetime, I would be better off spacing out those 30,000 ejaculations rather than using up all those ejaculations early on right? Because if you do it multiple times a day, each ejaculation doesn’t feel as good as if you were to space it out to maybe 1 ejaculation every couple of days.

  1. The more you do the more you are able to do. If that makes sense. It’s like exercise. The more I jizz in my girlfriend’s cunt the more I want to do it and the amount of jizz increases.

  2. Prostate problems will limit your ability to ejaculate as you get older. As your prostate gets larger as you get older the drugs your prescribed to treat it can have an effect. (Don’t ask me how I know). Your testosterone also falls off as you get older.

    Have fun with it now would be my advise

  3. There’s probably a limit, since you’re limited in how often you can do it per day. But if you’re able to ejaculate after 2 minutes of stimulation, and need a minute break between – then the rest is just math.

  4. Oh sweet Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.

    It does not matter why.

    Enjoy the moment now, no matter how this moment is. Today with a boner, tomorrow without one, the next moment semi hard…

    Live your life now.

  5. There is a limited time you can do *anything* in a lifetime. Due to time, death and other such things.

  6. This is a little silly. You are correct however that you are less horny as you age. That said, a man produces sperm until he dies, so provided he can get a boner nothing stopping him but death.

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