how many avrage 12 year olds could you take on in a fight and win?

  1. There’s a lot of variables to this: is it one 12 year old at a time; what’s the interval between each 12 year old showing up; are they 12 year olds that are athletic/heavyset/hopped up on sugar; since I’m a man would I be fighting 12 year old boys, girls or, both; what’s my terrain/level; if I run through a certain tier number of 12 year olds do I level up/get a weapon; and, is there an ultimate boss 12 year old that if I beat it’s all over?

  2. Hmm, it depends because there are some 12 year old genetic freaks out there with a full on beard weighing 180 and are 6’0 ft. Not saying they got man strength yet, but those factors would affect the fight if there’s more than one.

  3. All of them because I’ll just say I have every super power so they can’t beat me. To fight like child,one must think like child.

  4. People think they could take out dozens of 12 year-olds, but I’ve seen what kids can do. Even tough-guys would struggle to take on more than 10 at once.

  5. 12 year old boys are pretty weak compared to a grown man. I think I’d easy be able to handle twenty twelve year-olds in a fight. All it takes is one shot, won’t even have to use half of my punching power. Twenty-five percent would be more than enough. I’m 6’1 about 188.

    If twenty twelve year-olds approached me to fight right now on the street, I wouldn’t feel threatened in the slightest. Plus this is America too. Most of them will be fat as fuck, can’t do one push up, never experienced any type of physicality, and is used to getting participation trophies. Actually I’d take forty twelve year-olds.

  6. I’ve taken on 100 in Fortnite and won, and taken on 100 in Fortnite and … not won.

    At that age their situational awareness and self discipline and judgment WRT risk taking and overall experience and level of motivation are, um, not exactly at a trained military level, or at least ex-military level LOL. Which is probably why IRL the draft starts at 18 and they usually don’t draft children except as an absolute last resort right before the loss. So yeah one dude can take on a company size unit of kids and win.

    On the other hand, a lot of fighting is about luck. So does “win” mean 100% or 99.9999999% odds of winning, or just better than 50/50 chance, or better than 1% chance? Just due to random luck I don’t think even 1 on 1 is guaranteed 100% odds of winning.

  7. I’ll tell you this, it’s a lot less than you think. one at a time? indefinite amount of 12 year olds, all at once? probably 4 or 5 if each one grabbed an apendage you would be left litterally helpless, I’m big as shit 240lbs <20% bf probably closer to 13-14% I can deadlift 500lbs squat 400 ect. When my 8 year old and 7 try to take me on at the same time I am made all to aware of the limitations on what someone is capable of, the 7 year old grabs a leg, the 8 year old grabs an arm, shit your trippin all over the place, double that, your kinda fucked. Now the damage they could to do you i think is the limiting factor as it would probably take 6,7,8 to even be able to damage me to the point where I would even risk injury

  8. What do you mean by average 12 year old? Because when I was 12 I was scrawny but there were other ones that started lifting weights.

  9. People underestimate how dangerous a group of middleschool boys can be and severely overestimate their own physical ability. One of my most fit, regularly kickboxing friends was jumped by a group of six or seven 13 year old boys and he was shaken up. He held them at bay by swinging his bike around like a giant battle axe but he certainly had no illusion that he could fist fight them all at the same time. And like I said this is a very fit guy that regular trains combat sports.

    The average man *might* be able to take two or three 12 year olds. If they are particularly athletic/aggressive the 12 year olds very well might fuck him up. We have a different view of adolescents now but for most of human history we sent boys this young to war. And with training they are plenty effective. Look at the boy soldiers in Africa still fighting today.

  10. All of them. At least for a while. Only a few can fight you at a time. There simply isn’t room for more than a few to get at you at once.

  11. Probably less than I think I can.

    Anyone ever hit a heavy bag for a bit? If not used to it, it’s incredibly exhausting. Just imagine having to punt those coming at you from every angle.

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