Fellow men, how do you deal with your partner when they don’t change their attitude towards something that you have communicated with them?

  1. Grab her nose, squeeze as hard as possible, and don’t let go until she fuckin’ learns.

  2. about If your partner is not receptive to your concerns, it may be necessary to have a more serious conversation about the issue. If your partner still does not change their attitude, then you may need to consider ending the relationship.

  3. Deal with it or break up with her. Trying to change morals and mindset isn’t worth the low chance of success and even trying adds a distasteful air of manipulation to the relationship

  4. This only happens when you’re not compatible.

    And in my case, I only ask people to change anything when it’s an actual problem.

    My ex had sensitivity to rejection, which sounds simple enough. You just don’t reject her or your be nice when you have to, right?

    Nah. She had HUGE problems hearing “no”. She tried to argue with me about why I didn’t want her to eat in my bed and proffered her to eat at the table once, for instance.

    She essentially took “no” as a rejection and would become argumentative, even if you were enacting a reasonable boundary. She also took boundaries as rejection. She was codependent and wanted full enmeshment.

    Rather than indulge her tendency to argue all the time, i just started either sending her home or leaving for my place when she’d start to spin up to argue.

    I also became less emotionally connected, mostly as a form of self defense. Her behavior and attitude didn’t make much sense to me, and so it didn’t make much sense for me to put a lot of bandwidth toward them.

    Easier to just not be there to deal with it.

    It got to a point where she’d get upset, and rather than even try to talk to her, I’d go “Ah, seems like you’re getting upset. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Later!” And just dip.

    Eventually, I dumped her.


    Date people who naturally behave the way you want on their own. If you can’t find them, you probably need to adjust your expectations.

  5. It greatly depends on what this is about. Are they refusing to “change” a point of view?

  6. Let’s be clear, you can communicate all you want.

    They do not have to change their attitude, that’s their choice.

    Your choice is to consider it a deal breaker or not and choose to end the relationship.

  7. Understand they’re not going to change that attitude. Then all you need to do is determine how big a deal it is for you personally

    People are who they are. That’s what dating is all about. Establishing long term compatibility and ending things with those you’re incompatible with

  8. Speaking from personal experience you break up with them if the issue is something that you can’t get over. If you have a serious, honest, and mature conversation about the issue and they don’t change, they aren’t going to.

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