So I was talking with my brother one time and we got on the subject of being social and making connections. Then he said, “people won’t play with you if you aren’t fun to play with.” Weirdly enough, that kind of felt like a backhanded way of saying” the reason why nobody wants to hang out with you is because you’re not that interesting”

How I understood this was people will hang out with you if you are fun to be around and are interesting. But I kind of still don’t get it, what does it mean to be” fun to play with”?

What are your thoughts on this?

  1. To play with is just a metaphor for what people might do together: talk, flirt, go on outings, maybe even have sex.

    I understand _fun to play with_ as _relaxed, open, confident, you know what you want_.

  2. Just think of the stuff it would be a pain to play against… Nit picky, rules lawyering, slow play, dickish moves, aggressive behaviour…the don’t do those things

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