I been dating a girl for three months. Everything is perfect. She says the nicest things. Already said I love you. She asked about moving in and marriage.

Am I being played for a green card????

  1. It’s possible. I certainly wouldn’t consider it only after 3 months of dating. And she already throwing the L word around?

    Anything is possible. Ultimately it’s your decision.

  2. If someone i met 3 months ago started talking about marriage, id run away lol. Regardless of immigration status

  3. You’re being played. Moving in and marriage within 3 months of talking. You couldn’t thriw her out even if she’s staying for a lengthy period without paying rent and utilities. She’s most probably using you for a green card and your assets if she divorces later on. Don’t fall for her fraudulent scheme.

  4. >Am I being played for a green card????

    So 3 months in and she’s already asking about moving in and getting married?

    When are you going to wake up and see that you’re being used, brother?

  5. > I been dating a girl for three months.

    And you want to enter a sham marriage? Have a look what the legal consequences for that are OP.

    > Everything is perfect. She says the nicest things. Already said I love you. She asked about moving in and marriage.

    If you turn her down, she’ll say the same things to another guy tomorrow. All she wants is to get a green card as quickly as possible….once she has it, she’ll run and never come back .

  6. Maybe, maybe not. Make your decisions based one your gut and your emotions. Be aware that if you sponsor someone to come to the country, yoyou are financially responsible for them for 1 years, no matter the outcome.

  7. I would not be talking marriage with *anyone* after only 3 months…but human beings aren’t illegal.

  8. No way. If you marry someone so they can get a green card, they are using you, and all that legal risk that can ruin your life falls on your shoulders. They will just break up with you when they get the green card anyways. Don’t let people use you

  9. Give it at least another year before you even entertain this idea. And has she already started talking about bringing in family members too? This sort of talk would make it especially suspicious within that timeframe about her intentions.

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