What are the major signs you guys are flirting ( and not been just nice ) and you’re interested ?

  1. I’m giving you elevator eyes and they’re lingering as I talk, almost like I’m getting lost in the sight of you. Bonus points if I’m trying to make you laugh or blush with just a tinge of filth to my words.

  2. Bro I’m not gonna lie. Idk.

    I flirt with my friends, I flirt with strangers, I flirt with my bros.

    I suppose consistency is key, and I try to make my intentions known.

  3. Going out of my way to do things for her that I’m not doing for others. Finding ways to stay around her and elicit a conversation.

    A truism I’ve found in any interaction is also whether the other person brings up sex or dating first in a one-on-one conversation. That always means they’re interested in you from my experience.

  4. If its a woman I see often then I’ll usually go out of my way to talk to her more than usual (or more than other women in the room) or be near/around her more (not in a creepy way), and I’ll *test the waters* with lighthearted banter to see if she’s receptive to it and dishes some back or not in a fun playful way.

  5. I have literally no idea how to flirt. Your indicators will either be you notice I’m more awkward and possibly more nervous with you than other strangers or my friends might outright tell you.

  6. A pro would be flirting with strangers, married women, the lunch lady, and doing it inconsistently and switching it up randomly for no reason. It’s like fishing. If the fish is interested it’ll get hooked 🙂
    You can ask if he’s a catch-and-release only or looking for keepers, just to be safe

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