I mean… I tend to do not have anything to do with people if they rejected me. For my experience, if they don’t like you and you express your feelings, 99% of times they just start treating you differently.

More cold, fewer words, they avoid you, etc.

It is not that I’m being creepy or something like that, feels like that they don’t want you around to do not make you think that you have a chance. But sometimes if i disappear and i stop the “friendship” they just get mad.


I don’t get it. Few minutes ago i shared a meme to a girl who i dated (she suddenly ghosted me later) in a chat, just for fun. She didn’t get the meme, so i gave her more info, she left on read.

What the hell am I supposed to do then? This is why i don’t keep contacts with people who reject me, they make me feel disgusting to humans

But I’m the bad guy who thinks only at one thing if i cut off everything

  1. I also avoid people who rejected me, and I think that is the right response.

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