I’ve (21F) been dating this girl (22F) for awhile now. We live in a country that isn’t very LGBT friendly, and yesterday she asked if I’m ever gonna out her. And of course, I said no.

Then she asked me not to even say her name for the time being, but there was a problem. I had already told two of my friends about her before she even mentioned not wanting to be outed. They don’t know anything about her but her name, though (which is also a nickname that she goes by, not her real name). Not even how she looks like, so I don’t think this is considered blatant outing.

The other problem is, I told her that only one person knows her name and didn’t tel her about the other one. I thought it’d freak her out, and I didn’t want to overwhelm her. I regret it now.

So, how big is this? I don’t think it’s considered outing because they only know a nickname and nothing else. But I do feel guilty about lying. I just genuinely didn’t want to freak her out. How do I fix this?

  1. Be honest. Could it freak her out, sure. But what’s really gonna freak her out is if she ever happens to run into them in public and find out from them that you told her.

  2. I’d just spit it out. I find that everything works for the best when you leave filters out

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