If I don’t initiate we don’t have sex!

starting to feel burnt out in every other aspect of the relationship that’s causing me to not want to participate in normal activities due to the lack of romance & I’m over it.
I’m fucking bored they make 0 attempts to sexually keep me interested an at this age I rather just be single as a I feel a part of me dying literally ffs..
but I love this person and don’t want to abandon them

I am at the point where I just want to walk away & I really love the person I’m in a relationship with.
I mention over and over to my s/o that things need to change or they need to seek help. I’m loosing sexual attraction and fast.

But they don’t and I’m constantly left feeling upset seeing as I stopped complaining about things that bother me as everything becomes a quarrel I just don’t care to express anymore any issues.
I could be single having sec living life having fun but instead I’m constantly just left feeling dissatisfied I never express that as they are way to fragile, & anything I speak of tends to cause them to dwell on the negative in that moment almost like a defense to ignore the real problem at hand.

& because they don’t get it, like the thought (HOW TO KEEP A MAN) never comes to mind & any attempts to make a change have been minimal They don’t see any importance in some of the key aspects of a relationship & at 34 I’m thinking to be single as I feel more like a roommate and I’m sick of it.

It’s like I fulfill my role in her life being there always holding up my end of the deal etc and for no romance. Sometimes I feel like I’m with my guy friend.
Like we could have a wonderful evening everything’s perfect let’s have sex and go to sleep & then once we got into a relationship and moved in it’s like they forgot that aspect and just became a guy friend. I’m so turned off fuck!

I could be out having fun and sex living a normal life at my age as you don’t stay young forever. I feel like my parents age & I take care of myself physically and financially. But I’m suffering by staying with this person to protect their feelings.

But after this week with her family preparing for Halloween I’m just over it I feel like an accessory not an actual bf. Far different than any of my previous relationships.
Like I’m there for her for all her needs but she’s not her for any of mines and everyone thinks everything is fine I don’t want to blow up her life.

To make matters worst a ex I blocked on every platform somehow reaches out through a messenger app I no longer used but checked one day and says “I know she isn’t fucking you better or making you happier than I did”
An it killed me knowing I ended that relationship to be with my current gf

I just feel I’m at the point anyday now I’m just going to walk away with no explanation throw my phone away and don’t look back & I don’t feel they deserve that what can I do ?

TLDR: My gf is loosing my interest sexually i feel like I’m hanging with a guy friend as they don’t think to be sexy ever to keep my interest going like just too comfortable & If I don’t initiate actual sex we don’t have sex I feel burnt out in every other aspect of the relationship due to the lack of romance & I’m over it I’m fucking bored an at this age I rather just be single ffs but I love this person and don’t want to abandon them what to do

  1. Well, you seem to be giving a lot more in this relationship than you get.
    If your love, attention and effort is not reciprocated and you already tried talking it out, then I can understand that you are probably frustrated with the situation and want to break up.

    Tbh, I think a breakup would do both of you a favour since she doesn´t really seem interested in you beyond using you for resources and you are increasingly depressed by your relationship.

    I don´t know your situation, whether you live together etc. but I think just breaking it off will be best for both of you.

  2. Tell her “Either we go to couples therapy, and try to figure out why are sex life died, or we need to end the relationship before we grow to hate and resent eachother”

    I know ultimatums suck, but if she is refusing to listen and conversate about it maybe one will serve as a wakeup call.

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