So this is a work related post and I just need to vent about it. So I went to a funeral today for an inner family member and I get a call from my job asking me to come in because the manager had something come up. I understand things pop up, but even after she asks if I’m busy and I tell my co-worker that I’m leaving a funeral and spending it with family (and this is the first weekend off since I started working there), she’s still like “Oh okay… can you come in at 5pm till close (7pm)?”…. So I’m already shaken up from the funeral and you just expect me to show up because you don’t wanna stay all night? I’ve switched my off days for when they needed them, you can definitely have the same courtesy to let me have my days off now… Am I overreacting? I told her I couldn’t and was in the next town over and she was all like “Ok……. Okay….” Making it mad awkward on the phone..

TL; DR! – Work tried to call me in on a funeral day and really expected me to come in

  1. Fucking wow. The audacity indeed. Start applying for another job right now.

    I’m so sorry for your loss. What your manager did is completely inexcusable and disgusting.

  2. Was the person young?

    I’m not saying that it’s any kind of excuse, but often when people are young and haven’t had the experience of someone close to them passing away, they just don’t really grasp how devastating it can be.

    It’s still completely wrong of them – but that could help to explain…

    I’m sorry for your loss.

  3. Yeah, this is one of those situations where you enforce you boundaries. You are at one of those forks in the road in life, you decide whether you let people walk over you or if you stand up for yourself. Go and choose what kind of person you want to be. Both have advantages and disadvantages.

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