My fondest childhood memories are of harvest season. My grandma and aunt would harvest tomatoes and other fruits/vegetables and make various canned goods. Around Christmas time we slaughtered our pig and my uncle would help us make all sort of sausages and other yummy meats. I would spend all year helping my grandma raise the pig and it’d be so gratifying to see all of our work pay off for the winter. Same with the chickens.

I grew up in Romania during the 90s. It was a difficult childhood because we were poor, but it forever changed how I interact with food. I have a deep respect for where my food comes from and the animals that give their lives for us to eat. I tend to reject eating out and get annoyed when people pretend chicken comes from the prepackaged section at the grocery store and chocolate milk comes from brown cows (lol).

As much as I love the luxuries western society has provided me, the older I get, the more I want to get back to my roots. I want to be with someone who’s equally passionate about food. In the last few years I’ve really changed my priorities. I’ve stopped buying designer clothes, dying my hair and spending a ton of time on makeup. I spend more time working outside and cooking. I’m kinda obsessed with being able to make my own food and not relying on buying pre-made items from the store. I’ve ditched social media as well.

These changes have caused me to be boring and also lose interest very easily. I feel as though I can no longer connect with people (men especially), hence why I’m here. Where would I go meet a farmer for dating purposes? I don’t want to hit on men at farmers markets. That’s creepy and cringe.

I know there’s an app where farmers meet, but I’m not a farmer.

  1. Wasn’t there once a dating site called “Farmers Only” or something? Maybe check that out.

  2. Go buy a farm wherever those kinds of farms you are fond are at. Interact with the other farmers, if you don’t find a farmer to marry you’ll at least have a farm

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