What’s the most dramatic or memorable way that you’ve cheated death?

  1. Earlier today I walked around a banana peel that had been carelessly thrown on the floor. I lived to see another day.

  2. Playing on a multistorey apartment block building site as a kid in Soviet Union.

    Back then building sites were unattended at the weekends in many places.

    I was being chased by my friend on the fifth floor when suddenly there was a lift shaft right in front of me. It was too late to stop so I went for a jump and just barely cleared it. Still remember the darkness underneath as I was flying over it and the look at my friends eyes standing on the other side.

    We checked the bottom of it in the basement afterwards and it wouldn’t have been smooth landing at all if I happened to fall in.

  3. Hmm there are a few. A car got dmashed at the acceleration strip of a highway by a semi. I was behind that sn the smashed wreck got thrown on my lane. Missed it by millimeters and i can still hear the spound of broken glass and debris showering my bike&helmet.

    Another time i was skydiving and a packing error ripped the canopy resulting in such a hard open that igot knocked out and barely was able to cut&reserve after waking.

    Got lost in alpine area at night, alone in winter. Had to dig a hole.

    Got sjot by a dunk idiot. Another time one guy wanted to knife me, still have the scars.

    After Yugoslavia war we biked through the war zone and ended up in a minefield.

    Got sucked in a vortex while kayaking, got out cause i could grip a wood. Also head first hit a rock underwater another time while cliff jumping, shit knocked me out&the top of my head was scarred to the skull.

    Hit a small stone wall at 160 kmh with a bike, resulting in a few saltos and planting on asphalt, the bike impacted a few cm beside me. Just earing a shirt and jeans. Ripped off my lower lip, im having trouble drinking soup now. Lost a fuckload skin that day, funny side effect was a broken pelvis bone, the blood went ino my dick and nut, giving em a blue camo look. My gf, by then, neatly fell over laughing after the 1st shock. I was a pretty bloody mess, but talked her into sex, during that the bedsheet got worked into my open wounds and stuck. Heh. But a blue dick fuck was worth it.

  4. So there’s been a few but the funniest have obviously been the sharks and the falls.

    When my dad was teaching me to rappel, he started me out on little sixty foot drops where I was rappelling down the side of a rock face. But progresses me pretty quickly to a 100 ft drop into a concave space where half way down the rock face sucks in and you’re in a complete drop. Now my rappel device (a Petzel rack) was originally strung to dad’s specks to make my descent very slow and controlled. I basically had to feed the rope through. This made me nervous and annoyed so I re strung it like he does his own, and hid it from him till I’d dropped off the side and began descending much more quickly than before. Then I locked my brake hand a little too hard, bounced, panicked and released my brake hand entirely. Proceeded to drop nearly seventy feet before grabbing the rope again, and then bouncing just above the ground high enough I bungeed up and then slammed into the ground from about 8ft up. Safe to say I got reemed out.

    The shark that got closest was a 12-14 ft bullshark. I was basically dangling off the boom of a sailboat , having a phone conversation and I cracked a joke about getting eaten by a shark due to having been chased by an 8ft Bull the day prior. About the time I finished talking and hung up, I almost slipped off the boom and fell into the water below as I was pulling myself back on board, and at that exact moment the shark thrashed the top of the water right below me before snapping it’s mouth and disappearing below the boat for a moment. After that I hurried on board and grabbed a hand line, tossing it out and trying to hook onto him, but he didn’t seem interested and only really swam around the stern for a moment before leaving.

  5. Let’s see. Day one I was born with a staph infection in my skull, encroaching on my brain cavity AND with no pulse because the umbilical cord got tangled around my neck and choked me out. Spent my first half month of life getting antibiotics fed into my blood stream through m temples because they were the only veins big enough to be usable.

    Then there was the night during my mom and dad’s divorce, where she came home drunk off her ass, lit up the front pages of a phone book and left it burning in the middle of the living room where me and my older brother and sister were sleeping after an entire night home alone with no supervision. Our neighbor was the one who saved our lives.

    There was my dad’s kidnapping, after custody had been decided. He got into an accident that killed an old lady on a rascal. Meanwhile I was in the passenger seat, with no seatbelt, and got thrown into the dashboard. I still have a patch of gray hairs where the scar is to this day.

    There was the time I got set on fire and had to dive into a pool to put myself out.

    The time I nearly got crushed by a felled tree.

    The time I got shot at.

    Alligator hunting with my uncle.

    A near miss bow accident.

    The time I almost got my wrist slashed open by a feral cat.

    The time I got charged by a deer while I was hunting with my neighbor.

    The time I nearly terminated myself with my service pistol after my fiance died.

    The time I pulled a guy away from a burning and overturned car.

    The time I nearly got buried alive on a construction site.

    The time I nearly fell off a roof while doing a roof repair.

    The time I nearly fell from the top of a 12 foot ladder.

    The time I had a wall-mounted ladder nearly peel off the wall.

    The time I had to rescue the family cat from a HUGE tree, and the fucker started squirming in my arms while I was trying to climb down.

    The time I had to get my cousin down from a tree and nearly slipped.

    The time I had a chainsaw chain shatter while in use in front of me, and imbed a piece of chain in a board behind me.

    The time a pallet of merchandise nearly fell on top of me.

    Or the time I was working at a Pepsi warehouse and their new guy on the forklift stacked the pallets wrong and I nearly got crushed by 3 pallets of mountain dew 2 liters.

    Man, I could keep going but that’s a ton already.

  6. Almost fell out of a 4 story window over train tracks when I was 5 or 6, somehow managed to pull myself up back into the apartment. No idea how I found the strength

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