What are your needs in a relationship?

  1. A woman that can excite and surprise me. One which is spontaneous and doesn’t need a routine that much.

    A true partner.

  2. I just want someone who will be my #1 fan. If she genuinely thinks I’m attractive, respects my career, respects my hobbies, and appreciates my friends, I’d do everything I could for that person. I’d give that girl the fucking world.

  3. Sex, cuddles, loyalty, respect, honesty, emotional support, forgiveness of my imperfections.

  4. Another fellow homebody who hates people just as much as I do but we tolerate each other and have rough, wild sex on a nightly basis.

  5. Compassion, honesty, company, cuddling sessions, adventures (small), trust. I’m a simple person. I just want to spend time with my partner.

  6. Self sufficiency, ambition , loyalty, common sense, a hint of borderline nymphomania, sense of humor.

  7. honestly my standards are pretty low, i just simply want honesty, non abusive, caring, non selfish.

  8. I have been living in a two bedroom, one bath single family home by myself since late 2015. Doing all the house work and yard work myself is a chore. I can afford it on my own.

    All I want is someone to help out, good sex, and we get along in a loving way. She only has to make enough to cover her expenses. I can cover the bills, so she is living rent free. Could be a house wife with a part time job, or someone with a full time job that gives us the money to outsource things like lawn care or house cleaning and what not.

    The home is in my name and would not ask for her financial support in anything affecting the property value. I think that is fair.

  9. I mean I’ve been all my life without one, so if we’re taking the exact definition of needs I’d say none. But there are probably things that I’d need to get from a relationship in order to want it instead of being alone. Haven’t had the chance to really define them yet though.

  10. Trust, respect and loyalty.

    I value all of them equally and everything else is an add-on for me.

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