What’s your response to “I am not like other girls”?

  1. Be more specific. I’m not really focused on what someone isn’t when meeting new people. I want to know who you are and what’s important to you.

  2. To me, it’s a red flag that you feel the need to point that out. Let your actions speak for themselves (this advice works for guys and gals)

  3. Technically correct as she’s the only one of her in the world. Nothing new really

  4. “Every woman I’ve ever met thought they were the exception to the rule. How are you different?”

  5. “Well, I know what kind of girls say things like ‘I’m not like other girls’ and those are the types of girls I’m trying to avoid….”

  6. Womans that say smth like this are in my experience far more shitty than the “regular” worst ones.

  7. “Oh bother, not another one!”

    In all seriousness, every woman who’s ever said it has either proven to be exactly like other girls or objectively worse. It’s fun how they think they’re different tho.

  8. Question, do women actually say this crap, or do they try to subtly imply it?

    Sounds so embarrassing lol

  9. Any girl that has to say that is exactly like every other girl. So just smile and nod and then walk away at the first chance

  10. I think that’s something the interested partner should say and not the one he is interested in. Her saying it, is kind of smug and/or arrogant, in a way. I can actually remember saying something like that to my wife and we had been “friends” for a couple of weeks and she did something that not only made me laugh but exclaim, “You aren’t like other girls!”

  11. For the most part statements like that tend to tell me that the person is immature. Middle schoolers have to tell you who they are (largely because they’re still figuring it out). If an adult has to provide exposition on “who/how they are” they’re probably immature, and expect you to conform to their flavor of immaturity.

    I guess it reads sort of like a social dare. “Treat me the way I expect to be treated, or else.”. Like a good book, show me, don’t tell me.

    I mean, unless she’s got a penis. In that case telling me is just fine.

  12. Are we comparing or contrasting? It’s always kinda useless when people define themselves individually with sociological framing and labels.

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