I love getting oral and my husband doesn’t like giving it. He likes recieving it but I’ve kind of stopped as it seems like a one way street. I have talked to him about it and he said he had a bad previous expirience, where he went down on a girl who smelt bad and that put him off. We’ve been together for 10 years and he has done it a few times (and does it well) but not in the last… Year or two? Anyway, has anyone expirienced something like this and can give me any tipps how I can maybe help him get over his past expirience? I keep myself clean and tidy and have suggested oral after showering but no luck. (Btw I’m not saying this is any kind of deal breaker or big issue but it would be nice for us both I think if he could find pleasure in it).

  1. Its completely opposite here lol. I want to give oral, but she doesnt like it. Hope you find a solution!

  2. Two suggestions, defo clean with a feminine product. Also pull the clit back for smegma etc and defo don’t go to the loo before as urine and toilet paper pieces can be a distraction. He may also be put off if you are particularly wet. Maybe a diaphragm could stop some wetness coming down if that’s his issue. You need to understand exactly on you what the put off is. I had one ex with a stinky hole, it was no go after that and another with smegma problems and another who used to have toilet paper stuck in places.

  3. I don’t know that sounds like an excuse to me. He had one bad experience with another person over a decade ago and he never had that experience with you in ten years?

  4. Same answer as men get when their partner isn’t into giving oral: you can’t make people like things they don’t like, you must simply respect their boundaries.

  5. Sounds like he has an excuse to not take care of you. One bad experience does not traumatize you for life, especially after actually doing it a few times and it NOT being bad.

  6. You can’t make him like something he doesn’t, unfortunately. If he is open to trying, but is worried about the bad experience he had, talk to him about what would make him comfortable. Maybe you can try in the shower, rather than after one? Or maybe flavored lube? However, if he just doesn’t like it and is using the past bad experience as an excuse to get you to back off then that’s all you can do, really. You have to respect his boundaries, some people don’t like giving oral and even if they have reasons for their dislike, ultimately it’s just a matter of taste (no pun intended). Communication is key. If he can imagine a scenario in which giving oral would sound appealing to him, give it a try. If he is against it in general, leave it alone and explore other ways you can enjoy each other.

  7. If everything else is ok, maybe it’s time to shop for a toy? Do you think he would enjoy watching/helping you get warmed up or climax like that.

  8. Mmm. This is tricky for sure. I too have had one or two bad experiences in the past where the girl was fishy. I cut those short and that was that. I love going down on my wife. She has the most gorgeous little p. I love licking and sucking on her lips and folds and even her sweet little butthole.

    Your husband is surely missing out.

    You’re clean, tidy and have spoken with him about your needs and yet he still uses that excuse. Perhaps it was with you? I dunno I mean if it was another woman then what is his problem? She had the off smell it wasn’t you.

    I’d do the following;
    Through out the day tell him how horny you are, and how much you want him. (This will set the mood)

    Compliment him on his skills (Sometimes men think they don’t measure up and thus won’t try)

    Send him a pic of your clean vagina. (It should get him excited)
    Send another Once you’re swollen and moist after edging yourself a few times.
    Now be obvious, be ready when he arrives from work, on the bed or where ever you want to be eaten. Dress in a sexy lingerie and write on each thigh, “eat ./ me”
    When he comes in, be edging that wet hole.
    Demand him to eat you out.

    Alternatively, Go buy yourself one of those sucking toys, like the womanizer, they’re amazing. Use it in front of him or tell him to use it on you. Being so focused on your clit while using the toy should make him salivate.

    If neither works then I’m sorry he is a real knob. Stop giving him bj’s then.

    Good luck, you deserve to be eaten out!

  9. Following, as I have the same issue. My husband won’t even discuss it, no matter how hard I try. He just turns a blind eye, even says “what are you talking about, I will” when I ask why he won’t, but then he never does. You situation seems some different than mine though, as my husband also does not like to have regular intercourse with me, so I’m fighting two battles. Good luck to you, hopefully you find a resolution. You seem patient and willing to work through it, which will hopefully land things in your favor.

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