I wanted to add something about this on reddit because the convo has been hacked in society. People talk about it as it is a superpower. Some act like it’s genetic or that only certain personalities have confidence.

The truth is confidence is having immense pride in who you are!!!! You can’t be confident if you don’t know who you are. Ask yourself how much time you spend figuring others out? You know the clothes they wear, their hobbies, and mannerisms. You can probably even predict how they will respond to situations.

But what about you? Do you know what you value. Do you truly know what gets you up in the morning?

If not, start figuring this out now. This is how you get confident. You have to believe the life you are building is worth protecting. Overtime this belief system will make you stand up for yourself. Be funny and assertive. Because you are doing to protect your view of reality. You have to get to point where you think that your reality is amazing that everyone around needs to believe as well. This is what makes you want to invite people out. Now you are doing out of fun rather than neediness.

It takes time to get here. Probably 5 years. Start this journey today!

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