My (23F) friend, Holly (23F), wrote me a concerning letter that said,

“I had this weird thought like 2 months ago that I can only describe it as a “mini midlife crisis” but it was more coming to the realization of what my life will be like for the next 20 years haha. It happened when I got out of a work meeting (virtual), and I suddenly thought, “wow, for the next 20 years, I’ll be at a desk staring at my screen.” It was such a strange feeling because in college I knew this is exactly what I signed up for. I was so excited to start working because I thought I’ll finally be financially independent and code for a living. I won’t be bored or at least I’ll be learning something new and fun everyday. Now I’ve found myself trying to figure out why I don’t feel as motivated anymore. I feel like I have to learn how to learn excitedly again, which isn’t really something you learn right? It just comes naturally because you’re suddenly excited… sorry I keep rambling haha! I guess I’m only excited when I finally understand something, and “really” the only frustrating thing is to not feel incompetent while not understanding something new. But I guess life can’t be that easy.”

I’m really bad at comforting people and giving advice. What can I say that might comfort her? What advice would you give if someone said that to you?

1 comment
  1. At 23 it is in no way a mid life crisis. More a realization that adulthood is not all its cracked up to be

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