Late late 30s. Both divorced, over years since divorced happened with respected ex spouses.

This second part is confusing me – not looking to date anyone else but not going out to meet people? But interested in me?

“So here is the thing, I like you a lot. You have to understand I had a pretty bad ending with my previous marriage

While I’m not looking to date anyone else, I’m not on any dating apps, I’m not going out and meeting people, and I want to continue to see you.”

I feel I attract all the men with traumatic past with one thing or another to heal from. I get we have pasts but I’m falling out of love with the idea to find love.

  1. I don’t understand. Is he trying to say he doesn’t want to get married in the future, but still wants to keep seeing you?

    Basically he is interested in a monogamous relationship, but not marriage?

  2. I’m not really sure what you’re asking here. It feels like we are missing part of the equation.

  3. Jesus. Translation: I like you, i wanna date you, lets take things slow/day by day. I like you. Lets not put pressure on it. We’re exclusive. Lets just be and not make a relationship with all the rules and expectations just yet. I need a break after my taxing marriage

  4. If you’re confused, just tell him you’re confused and ask more questions for further clarification.

    But next time, have this kind of conversation in person. It’s much easier to hash it out.

  5. You are being put in the back burner. You are interesting enough to him but not enough to commit. You are the placeholder for this man

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