I won’t get into too much detail.My FWB continued to have sex with me after I told him to stop like 3 times.He wouldn’t let me leave.

I am in so much panic these days.For some reason I feel okay the first hours of the day and at night I get full panic attacks over this.

The thought of having sex again makes my body react negatively.I don’t want anything inside me again I get anxious even thinking about it.

I can’t even masturbate.I haven’t put my hand down there for days.When I shower I do it as quick as possible.I feel so weird with my body.

I don’t know what to do.I feel hopeless.Please help me.

  1. There’s no other word for what happened…

    Your FWB * raped* you.

    The best recourse for this is to confront him about it. The next decision is yours. Personally it may have been pure selfishness on his part and had no idea it was rape but maybe not. Should you decide to bring the law into this I don’t feel that would make you the Asshole.

    Also, find a Therapist to help you sort this out. You don’t have to deal with this alone.

  2. I highly recommend contacting victim services in your area. They are trained to help you contact help and will not pressure you to make decisions regarding prosecution.

  3. Please seek help from victim services. Recovery from this is hard. The sooner you seek help, the better. I’ve been recovering for over three decades since my last attack (unfortunately, I’m a multiple, complex trauma person), guess who didn’t seek help right away. Promise it’s not a good idea to wait. Please. Seek help.

  4. Your body is yours.
    What happened is over.
    Your brain is trying to protect you, but its overactive.
    Tell yourself you are currently safe.
    Surround yourself with comfort.
    Baby steps.
    Be gentle to yourself.
    Your body is yours.
    You will be okay.

    You’re not alone. Reach out to someone

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