
M 46 yrs.

I was taliking with my gf at lunch today. She always seems like 2 different persons: always laughing and enjoyable when we are with other people but more reserved when we are alone with only our family.

I was a bit winded up after work, long day, 1 hour stuck in traffic so I just sat a few moments on the couch when I came home to catch my breath and check a few emails and she kind of told me to “stay there and relax, you look like you need it”.

I got up and inquired what it meant, since I always did my part of the chores here, cleaning the house, folding clothes, car mechanic, garden, mow lawn, drive my kids to their activities and the list goes on.

I was a bit pushy and ask what she meant and she told me that “I’m different and look depressed since about 5 years now”. Apparently, my mother in law feels this as well and her friends told that too to my gf.

I started thinking inside me, asking what I can do but sincerely I don’t feel that depressed. Okay, maybe a bit more “moody” from coming out of a 2 years pandemic and witnessing a war live on TV, but not different than maybe 90% of the people I meet daily. I admit I am a bit more reserved and feel the wisdom of the years piling on with the joys and deceptions it brings.

I still have a dry sense of humor, razor sharp remarks and I can handle a discussion on a plethora of different subjects (arts, sports, movies, travel, cars, stock market, politics, etc). This is my personality and I think I am still the same person in this area compared to 25 yrs ago.

If I compare me with my younger version; I am possibly less enthusiatic about life since in the last 5 years I had to switch jobs, got ill and lost 50% of my hearing from right ear and have constant tinnitus on this side but I can handle it and the noise kinda bring me some peace now.

I think I feel like I’m like a “caffeine free version” of my former self if I can give how I feel; just a bit more laid back, patience for useless and cringey stuff is mostly gone and I focus more on things I like.

Anybody here been told they look depressed when they don’t?

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