Please excuse my enhlish .im 29 he is 35 .He was a teacher just for a year in my island .he was really anxious to talk to me but soon he started teasing me in a way that made me feel bad ,soon we became neighbors my mom caught him peeping tom .when i went out at nights to walk he could go out to watch where i go .leaving the building at the same time .he looked at me while working out and when i caught him he was looking somewheree else and i caught him gossiping with the gym instructor about me .he asked him if im really that sick and that i seem weird to him.he was even telling him that i work out too much and im going to faint .i had talked openly about my diseases in front of him .soon when i had a boyfriend he started saying mean things to other people in front of me like ‘ we are all crazy here ‘ etc.i wrote him a letter cause i didnt want to talk directly and let him it his door saying he shouldnt treat women and especially disabled women like this and gossip behind their back .he came home and asked me to go to his place and talk to him .he was distant denying that he said all this stuff and saying that he is weird too .i asked him why he didnt come right away to me and ask me about what happends to me and he said he has no intentions to do such things as he really soon is leaving the island cause his job as a teacher soon ends.when he could hear me talking or my boyfriend he would make noise and slam the doors to make sounds.he even saw me with my bf at the stairs and next day he came at the gym i saw him at the stairs and he said ‘always so much people at the stairs ‘ .he was treating me nasty with no reason .i have no idea why he did this .and finally when he heard me talking about a bitch who tried to seduce my boy in the past he talked about this and she made a mess at the gym trying to make me leave the place . Why did he do such things. Soon im moving out havent seen him and i know in june he leaves .still in love with him .what did you think happened?

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