Obviously this can be quite sensitive but however I’ll even share my example. I decided to see some people I hated from a school I just left instead of visiting and spending time with a dying family member.

  1. One of my best friends broke up with his gf that he was seeing for maybe 4 or 5 months. Me and her always got on really well when they were together. They were split up for a while he had a new gf and everything, but I ended up hearing through one of the ex’s friends she had always really liked me and wanted to hook up.

    I said it to him first and he said it was all good but looking back it’s just something I never shoulda done. We ended up together for around 6 years and it was probably the best relationship I ever had, but it’s something I never forgave myself for. It’s kind of a bittersweet thing cos I know it was a bad move on my behalf, but it really got me through my late teenage years. She was an absolute angel of a girl, and me being me I drove her away like everyone else

  2. Divorcing my wife before the kids were 18. I was left out of their lives for years and only now am I trying to repair the damage she AND I have done. I’m not innocent. I could have been better.

  3. Not spending as much time with my parents before they passed away. I wasn’t a bad son but once they’re gone, you start thinking about some very dumb things. Like that one time your mom asked you to go get groceries with her and you said no because you wanted go play video games. Small things like that stick with you.

    Time makes it better, eventually, but it still sucks.

  4. Fucking around and losing my scholarships and other financial aid for college. I waited 3 years to go back and now I graduate in May, but I’m in a lot more debt and a lot older than I should have been. My field makes 6 figure salaries with the average being $120,000 so it wont take me long to pay it off, but its still annoying.

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