Men of Reddit, how does your dating experiences differ from friend setting you up on a date compared to finding someone on your own?

  1. Unless it’s a best friend you 100% know looks out for you, I consider those types of dates a favor

  2. I mean I guess it would feel less artificial and forced giving a slight advantage and I would also assume that picking them out sould also make sure they are intres in you to a capacity before even going on the date.

    I would say having a friend set you up would be a lot worse but I can’t really speak from experience

  3. A female friend knew the perfect woman for me. The problem was that she was married in another part of the country. A few years later that woman left her husband. We were introduced. Been together 16 years.

  4. I had a friend when I was around 23 that used to always get me to double date with him and his girl and her various friends. It was cool and obviously a lot easier than getting dates on my own, but I wasn’t really into any of them. It was obviously a lot easier for me (basically the work of getting a date was already done for me), so atleast there was that. There was one really awkward time though where it was super obvious said friend was really just into my friend.

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