I just realized I haven’t seen one in a long time

  1. We have them everywhere here in Singapore, but not trucks, they’re more like trollies that people bike to move.

  2. I live on a dead end at the edge of small town so never here. But maybe last summer when in town?

  3. Ice cream truck no but ice cream bikes(bikes with little freezers behind or in front of them) yeah all over downtown during summertime:)

  4. Around Christmas, there’s a popular street here where everyone decorates and the local ice cream truck parks at the end of the street. Soft serve is nice on a hot night after Christmas lights looking.

  5. A few summers ago, one drove with Christmas music. Unfortunately, I never saw it again.

  6. When I lived in mexico so september. Hmmm there are none in my country, we do have a knife sharpener truck though. Not as fun.

  7. Last summer in my old apartment. I grew up in BFE and (I’m now 30) had never seen an ice cream truck until the summer of 2020 when I was working from home. Until that point, I thought they only existed in books that were written before 1970. That music is eery af when you don’t know what’s happening. 😳

  8. About a week ago. My friend suddenly perked his head up and said “You guys hear that?” And went to the window, I’m hard of hearing so I went to see what it was and an ice cream truck was parked outside with a horde of kids running to it

  9. Someone in our neighborhood has one, we see it parked sometimes when we walk past their house. We can hear the ice cream truck sound all the time, to the point where I sometimes wonder whether I actually hear it or Im imagining it lol.

    Wonder how much they make.

  10. Today. I always see them around where I live almost daily from about this time to the end of September usually.

  11. Every single fuckin day, and the music is broken and annoying as hell! LOL There used to be 2 of them that would come around…1 before noon, and the other in the afternoon, so the kids would go nuts. Thankfully now it’s just one, but his music is broken, and sound like crap. I live in a gated complex, and someone always lets him in once he pulls up to the gate.

  12. I hear them every once in a while, but they are phantom creatures because I have not actually seen them. The last time was a themed food truck that sells the old ice cream and candy that they sold in my childhood but for like, 10 times the prices.

  13. I’m 23 and I’ve never seen an ice cream truck. Given I live in super rural South Carolina, but I’ve never even seen one when I go to any of the “major” cities. It was always supper disappointing as a child, and even now. Pelican trucks, though. EVERYWHERE.

  14. Heard one going down the street recently. I grew up in the sticks and I actually thought ice cream trucks were made up for movies until I moved to the suburbs a couple years ago and saw one for the first time…too bad I’m too lactose-intolerant now to justify getting some from it. 😭

  15. Yesterday, though not in a neighborhood, just going down a main street. I debated following. They had pictures of waffle cone bowls–waffle bowls man, yeah, sign me up for that. Twice.

  16. Every day. My neighbor owns one and takes it out every day. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

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