I’m in a relationship with my gf for 5 months and every time we have sex, she only cums from the magic wand. In the beginning in our relationship I used to make her cum through clit stimulation and it had to be done in a certain position. Ever since I bought the magic wand, she only cums from it and nothing else. I done foreplay from 20-30 minutes from licking, fingering, teasing. She says it feels good but not enough to climax from it. Not that our sex life is bad, she even mentioned it’s been healthy. I would like for it be different because I’m worried that it would be too repetitive for her. It’s just that every time she climax it’s always the same way. I never made my gf cum from oral. Also she doesn’t know if I’m hitting her g spot. I been told 2 knuckles in and do a “come hither” motion. Maybe there was one time I did during PIV, but I don’t know how I did.

Any advice that could me out?

  1. I don’t see the problem here. Your partner is having orgasms right? What does it matter if it’s because of your fingers or a toy? If you’re feeling “left out” you could always try fingering her while she uses the wand for clitoral stimulation.

  2. I know this is a hot topic for the sub but personally I’d find her only getting off from the toy, especially when she used to cum other ways, a detriment to the relationship. I’d start by expressing how you feel and saying you miss making her cum in other ways then go from there.

  3. Asking advice on what would work on and with your girlfriend to strangers may not be the best way to go about it.

    Speak with your partner. Sex and intimacy is about knowing the other and what they like and don’t. Mental state matters a lot too, not only during but outside of it in your every lives.

    Good concern, wrong approach.

    But you do you.

  4. I think this is fine to talk with her about.

    Personally my wife often needs toys to get off (granted always has so slightly diff situation) so I don’t personally find it some big deal.

    She may enjoy the orgasms more now, she may have an easier time etc. While I get where you’re coming from. You feel like you’ve lost something. That said if she’s having more sexual pleasure than before and enjoying sex more bc of it, then y’all just need to talk it through.

  5. Technically the gspot doesn’t exist, its just an extension of the clit. Majority of women have trouble coming without clit stimulation.

    Your post is unclear if you are using the vibrator during sex or kind of on her own.
    But maybe ask her to use it on her clit while you’re inside

  6. Some women have a hard time orgasming. She sounds like one of them. Which is fairly common, BTW. Talk to her, see how she feels about being reliant on that. You can always keep trying to get her off through oral or whatever you guys think will work. The toy can always be a backup. But be ready to accept that this may just be the situation with her, and it may not change.

  7. None of u’ve to do anything. It’s ok if she’s having orgasms with only magic wand. Mutual orgasms matter during sex, not the way via which it was reached. Just try other ways occasionally coz if she find the wand-driven way repetitive, she must start reaching climax from another ways

  8. I’m in a similar situation and here are some things i learned from my experience.

    Sex is just as much mental as physical, you can introduce different kinds of foreplay that would turn her on a lot without even touching her genitals. Talk to her you’ll find you have a lot of options that will get her very hot.

    This is the most important one. Don’t get frustrated, keep a positive attitude and a open mind. If you get visiting frustrated when she doesn’t orgasm from you it’s gonna put pressure on her and that’s an impossible environment to relax and enjoy yourself, she might even start to fake orgasms to spare your feelings.

    Don’t show your frustration

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