…who isnt my boyfriend.. Even tho we talk everyday, kiss/make out, hold hands, cuddle after sex etc……
And who likes to remind me that he isnt my boyfriend every time it gets there but still leans to kiss me every time we say goodbye.
Since the first time I blew him, every time we meet (outside the work place where we met_but we dont work together dw) I have his dick in my mouth one way or another. We have sex. We send sexy photos etc, we talk about kinks or fantasies we could enact…
But we’re not together..

Guys this isnt friendzone, I’ve been there before this is different. I’m really into him but I’m really confused by this behavior. What is going on? What kind of zone is this?

  1. Friends with benefits? Fuck buddies? It seems he likes being with you but doesn’t want the commitment of a relationship. Talk to him about it, maybe it’s fine just as it is if you both have the same understanding. In any event, openness and honesty will make for a better situation for all.

  2. Sounds like he wants all the perks of having a girlfriend, without actually having to commit, and while looking for someone he considers to be a gf material.

  3. Based on a post you made 3 days ago, you started the relationship by lying to him, then admitted it later. It’s very possible he’s holding you outside of the gf zone because he can’t trust you yet. Lying destroys relationships. Sometimes it can be partially overcome, but even then it permanently limits intimacy. He’s always going to wonder if you’re being truthful. In order to avoid getting his heart broken if that happens he may keep his emotional distance as a defense.

  4. You need to ask him if you are exclusive or not. It sounds like a FWB. The guy I’ve been seeing for several months isn’t my boyfriend but we are sexually exclusive. You just need to ask him what the situation is in his mind.

  5. I’m not trying to hurt you but sounds like he likes you but just doesn’t want the commitment! I respect him tho for being honest with you, that’s huge. I would just enjoy it and also know you can still have fun outside of him 🙂

    Edit: I see you lied to him about being a virgin so maybe that’s why he’s hesitant? 😬

  6. It sounds like he wants to continue having sex with you but also keep the door open to dating and sleeping with other women. You appear to like him and want a relationship from him more than he does from you. You can either go with the flow and see if what you want ever materializes or you can express what you want, set boundaries and if that is not followed, leave and pursue other men.

    I am currently in a similar situation with a woman im dating. She got out of a 10 year long relationship months ago. She does not want to be in another relationship so soon but she does fancy me and I her. I told her that she doesn’t have to be my “girlfriend”. We can just see each other and have fun for now and if something more comes of it, so be it. We have set clear rules and boundaries that while we are not an item, we will only be dating each other and only sleeping with each other exclusively for the time being. If she feels after a short while that she wants to explore after being in a rationship so long, that is fine. I just will not be in the picture anymore and if I stray, same for her. Now that we have that all sorted out, things are going rather well and we respect each other so much more for expressing our needs and boundaries. Who would have known that open communication could work so well!

  7. The thing to watch out for is when he does find his real gf that he doesn’t come for some head from you because he has had a disagreement with her

  8. I’ve got something like this, we’re just fwb who are more affectionate than usual (although we have discussed our arrangement in detail). Definitely talk to him to clarify so one or both of you don’t get hurt!

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