Alright Reddit, I need some serious advice here. My boyfriend and I were in a car accident with a drunk driver one week ago. Aside from him breaking his thumb, requiring surgery, and six broken bones in my foot, we have some cuts and bruises but aside from that we are alive!

Now to the issue- how tf are we supposed to have sex?? Any and all recs for good positions please and thanks 😂

  1. I’d say any that doesn’t cause pain? 🤣

    Glad to hear that the two of you didn’t get seriously injured!!

  2. You could both wait till your healed… That way you don’t tweak anything and make things worse?

  3. Thumbs and feet aren’t that important to sex. Positions with you laying on your back or side are probably going to be easiest if you’re in a cast or a boot. That way he doesn’t have to hold or support you with his injured hand either.

    I’m glad you both made it through without any permanent injury.

  4. Well, you make sure he doesn’t use his broken thumb, and you should stay off the broken foot.

  5. Echoing the other person who said it’s better to probably wait until you’re fully healed than to accidentally make something worse by messing around too much lol

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