Women with big boobs, what are the problems that you face?

  1. oversexualization, most clothes dont fit right (esp with new fashion and high fashion, everything is made for smaller boobs), stretch marks and whatnot pushed as insecurities by dudes and girls with smaller chests because somehow they expect big boobs to defy gravity and sit like it does in hentai

  2. Boob sweat and it can be uncomfortable if you like to stomach sleep. Also freaking bras that can lift them are usually not fun to wear all day. Worse one though is sometimes I can’t wear stuff I like because I’m showing too much cleavage.

  3. Noticed this WAYYY more than I needed to. Majority of the guys that I interacted with, AT LEAST ONCE, have taken a quick glance at my chest mid conversation and think they are slick with it. Well…they are NOT.

  4. Back pain and the price of bras once you get over a certain size and still want support and comfort.

  5. I would love to jog more but have to wear a sports bra, 2 tight crops and a high neck top to make sure I’m not in pain/spilling out everywhere

  6. Ran in the wrong bra my boob hit me in the chin making me bite my tongue badly as I was choking on blood I tripped fell and rolled down a hill into the river 😳

  7. Unwanted attention. I generally don’t wear tight clothing for this reason.

    Even when used to teach I noticed the occasional quick glances by the male students. I grew to ignore it and just continued teaching.

  8. Options for bras: expensive and over-engineered, cheap and poorly-fitting, sports bras causing weird smoosh effects. Wireless bras with insufficient shaping/support. I just want a decent shape without spending a fortune or too much effort. It shouldn’t be this frustrating.

  9. Boob sweat 💦 and that sometimes I wanna wear/buy a certain top but they dont come in my size.

  10. Ohhh this one for me..


    1. Sweating underboob
    2. Can’t wear padded bra as it tend to make it bigger. Other bras, can’t support properly
    3. Breathing problem when lying on back
    4. Posture problem
    5. Self conscious (male gaze)

    Some of them.

  11. When I lay on my back my boobs fall under my arms.

    I get lots of unwanted attention when I wear anything low cut.

    The male students (I’m a teacher) stare at my boobs instead of listening to me.

    Uncomfortable boobs sweat in the summer.

  12. They sit on my stomach. It makes me feel disgusting. Not every women with a big chest is also blessed with them being perky and sitting up right. 9/10 I pinch my own nipples on accident because they sag so bad. P.S. they hurt constantly and that happening doesnt help!

    Again, it makes me feel gross and I absolutely hate it

  13. I want to wear a cute shirt but they either don’t button up nicely or they make me look like a massive box! Plus I HATE bra shopping, god that’s depressing.

  14. So many, unfortunately. Some people will fetishise them and view my body as a sexual thing, rather than viewing me as a human. Their behaviour usually reflects that. Some people will talk to them more than they talk to your face, not even hiding their gawking. I can let a small glance slide, but when it’s every 20 seconds? No.

    I luckily found a brand called Playful Promises that offers some larger sizes and pretty bras, but it’s expensive. It doesn’t feel like there’s an *affordable but still pretty* option that actually does the job.

    For years my clothes just didn’t fit right. I learned how to sew a few years ago to fix that. But, that’s a whole skill needed…to make clothes fit right.

    I also find I have to lay in specific positions at night or keep my bra on to be comfortable.

    As for the movement during exercise and sweat, I’ve yet to find a comfortable sports bra that’s also effective.

  15. Every photo, whats the first thing I see about myself? Boobs. I wear clothes that are not revealing, but still… boobs. So I end up hating every picture of myself unless its shoulders up. Clothes fitting, sleeping position, I want to run so I have to wear a battle armor sports bra. argh. I was approved for a breast reduction but decided tonsee what losing weight would do. Lost the weight, not the boobs. Still considering the surgery.

  16. Big boobs usually mean underwire bras and they can cut and be real uncomfortable. I didn’t used to love my big boobs because of too much unwanted attention and I liked (and still do) the cute clothes B-cup women can wear. Honestly I mostly like the attention now except from creeps. I have big busted girlfriends from my new job this past year who love themselves and celebrate their bigger bodies and they’ve rubbed off on me. So I’m good now

  17. Finding a good bra and clothes that fit me, people looking at my chest, always bumping into things.

  18. Bras are expensive AF when i can find them; also they take up a lot of space packing when i travel because i rotate them out since my boobs are so heavy.

    I love travel but all the one bag and minimalist packing lists for women are for those who wear bralettes and sports bras. “Its so easy to be minimalist” yeah when you can roll up a bralette. Even my sports bras are like giant slings.

    Oh and I’m not a good candidate for reduction where i live because i yoyo weight between 20 pounds and i have yet to stay at the same weight for 12 months so im stuck with this pair of 36I that frankly suck. I went down one cup size after losing sixty pounds. One.

  19. The “boob shelf” when I eat — always catching things or food bits going in my cleavage.

    Bra shopping. Grateful I can sew and adjust my other clothes, but I really don’t want to sew bras… but I may have to. Sigh.

    Boob sweat.

    Dudes looking at my boobs or talking about them like making personal body comments is ok. I used to casually talk about their dicks then to shut them up. (Strangely now that I am more crone, dudes don’t want to talk about my boobs like that any more. Ha.)

    My poor babies trying to breastfeed when newborn. Struggling under a giant boob umbrella.

    Seatbelts not laying right

    Back pain as I age, posture

    Not sure it’s a problem. Maybe it is. Maybe it’s a talent. I can hold stuff under my boob hands free if I want. Paperback books, TV remote, phone, sunglasses case, hairbrush, etc. Hubby did a double take once when my hands were all full and I was like “Dang, hands full. Fuck it, I’ll just boob these other things, I don’t want to walk back and forth” when I was putting things away around the house.

    “Did you just… boob… that to hold it?”

    “Yup. Busy.”

    Toddler first drawing of me being GIANT boobs and a tiny happy face way off in the distance at the top of the page. Like if you are a toddler way down low looking up at your mother, this is the view you have. Men think the big boobs with big nipples are big eyes and the kid drew me like an alien. Never see the tiny smiley face. All the women who see it start laughing because THEY know what it represents. They totally see the happy face.

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