how do you take the first steps to start taking better care of yourself and your appearance when these have slipped?

  1. It depends on what kinds of things you want to focus on.

    For me as I have long hair and when I’m in a good place I do look after it well, using a conditioning hair mask is relaxing and an easy way for me to feel like I’m looking after my appearance.

    Spending some time doing something just for you is also a really great way to take care of yourself and will hopefully make you feel more motivated to take care of other aspects such as your appearance. Read a book with some candles lit, go back to an old hobby, start a new one – after coming out of a recent depression bad patch I picked up cross stitch and it’s my favourite Saturday afternoon activity now.

    If you have the funds, buy yourself a nice body butter or body lotion it feels great and can become part a soothing nighttime self care routine.

  2. I have a weekly routine checklist that includes 1. face & body scrub, 2. groom nails, hands and feet. Usually whenever I get so busy with work/ when I’m about to get my period, these items don’t get ticked off. I just make sure to catch up when I feel like it

  3. Distancing yourself from people who don’t respect you – surround yourself with people who support and truly care about you (personal reminder. Tough when you depend on people who drain the tf out of you)

    Going on walks solo or with someone

    Eating your fave food

    Don’t compare yourself to other people

    Positive affirmations, recite them daily

    Taking the extra time to massage yourself after a shower / get a massage done professionally

    Taking care of yourself by getting a haircut, trying a new style, changing makeup routine, selling clothes and buying new ones – wear bright colours might help with lifting your mood

    Goofing/talking with family and friends

    Spending time in nature

    Mood board

    Setting goals

    Writing my dream/ideal life

    Talking to myself

    Of course, changes aren’t drastic and I tend to let go of good habits overtime… I suppose when you’re feeling down, it’s a sign to implement positive changes into your life.

  4. Allow yourself as much time as you possible can to stop going to work. Allow yourself to fully grieve during this time, and then be extra gentle with yourself for awhile.

    Try to get outside more. If you can do a kindness for another person or animal, do it. Helping others often makes you feel better about yourself.

    Write affirmations on post it notes or with an erasable marker on your bathroom mirror.

    When you do start back to work, break everything down into baby steps. Write out a routine for yourself if you want. Remind yourself to stay in the moment and take it all one step at a time.

    Reward yourself with a simple pleasure when you’ve made it through another day.

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