Men that improved their looks and physique after the age of 30, just to break through the glass ceiling with women, how different was it to finally be able to sleep with pretty/cute/hot girls?

  1. If you are past 30 and main concern is being with a women because she is hot, you need to revaluate yourself.

  2. I don’t think any guys do that.

    I was in very good shape in my 30s and it didn’t matter as much to women as I thought it would.

    It was more like a box to tick. Like, “ok, he looks good… tick”.

    The thing seemed to hook them the most was confidence, making them laugh, and being a competent, generous lover.

    Being emotionally mature and having a decent career helped a lot too.

  3. I was fat and without a job before my 30 and didn’t have anyone. Now I look much better, have a job and I study on weekends and I don’t have anyone. I think it’s too late for me.

  4. Mate, relationships with women are a one way street. And if you don’t entertain them as much as they feel they deserve they will just destroy your life instead in a way to at least get negative attention, like poorly socialised children.

    Hope that by age 30 you find something fulfilling to do with your life.

  5. Got in shape at 39, for myself. Met a 10/10 about 18 months ago. There’s so much more to her than looks, but man…

    Had I looked like I did at 39, this wouldn’t have happened. And I’ll repeat that this was not the goal. But a day doesn’t go by in which I don’t just melt when I see her.

    Also, y’know how your brain stops working when you see a pretty girl? Like, suddenly you can’t speak and your IQ tanks? Having that happen constantly, at home, as I go about my day, is a very strange thing. I thought I’d get past it, but nope.

  6. It’s difficult to really describe that feeling of validation you get as a man when you finally get accepted by a ‘high value woman’.

    But it’s fleeting and fake unless you hook one for the long haul.

  7. I had surgery at 28, and it made a huge improvement to my quality of life. Dating and having casual sex is an actual option for me now. Before my surgery I couldn’t even get a woman to hold my hand, I had to pay for sex and companionship.

    I’m significantly more happy and healthy now.

  8. There was a recent thread asking how guys handle our friends who are “nice guys”. I said no matter how many times we tell them they’re wrong they don’t listen. This is literally you. A dozen guys have told you that you’re wrong and you won’t listen. Be humble and accept that maybe your worldview has been distorted.

  9. Don’t reek of desperation, don’t be shallow. Approach the women like you want to make friends not just to shove your dick into them. You wo won’t believe the difference.

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