Few days ago I was waiting to meet someone outside a supermarket. There was another man hanging around, didn’t pay him much attention.

A few minutes later a car pulled up and parked nearby. The man walked over and a woman got out. They didn’t speak. He opened the back door and lifted a sleeping girl who looked about 7-8ish out, carried her over his shoulders, opened his own car door and laid her on the back seat.

The woman watched and didn’t say a word.

He got into the car without speaking to her then drove away.
She got her phone out, send a message, got back in her car and drove off also.

It’s been bugging me. Probably absolutely nothing and they just didn’t want to wake the girl so they didn’t speak. But she seemed too big/old to be a sleeping child. She wasn’t a baby or toddler.

Am I overthinking this?

  1. > she seemed too big/old to be a sleeping child

    Sleeping kids are sleeping kids, I mean even adults sleep mate but anyway … Personally, I thought it’s Parents Swap over weekend from parents who have broken up, Meet halfway in supermarket car park if they live quite a distance away. Kid was sleeping didn’t want to wake her BUT I can see why you think it would look dodgy. You could ring the police, They could easily check it out. CCTV and Car number plates etc. If they were up to anything dodgy they wouldn’t do it in such a public place. You could phone it in to 101 or go to your local cop shop in person.

  2. As stated by other posters this sounds like a separated/divorced couple sharing custody of their kid.

  3. Oh lord that’s got me worried now. I hope it’s just a kid that’s had a great busy day out with one parent and is just being handed back over to the custodial parent .
    Anything else doesn’t bear thinking about

  4. Its probably nothing, but what struck me was what you said about the sleeping girl…the fact she didn’t wake up when being moved from car to car. Was this late at night or in the middle of the day. It most likely was just a sullen handover, but I’m glad you noticed this, you are quite right to ask about unusual stuff – keep being this observant. Too many people just assume things are ok because they don’t want to think otherwise.

  5. I agree it was probably just divorced parents. As a kid I would have slept through being carried into the car.

    But if you’re genuinely worried, call the police and they will check asda security cameras for the car reg and do a follow up. It’ll ease your mind. And it’s better to be the person who called and made a mistake than the person who didn’t call at all.

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