Men who have had near-death or ‘post-death’ experiences – what was on the other side?

  1. It was dark but not empty. I knew I still existed and it was abundantly clear that my mind and body did not.

  2. I’ve almost been killed I guess 10 times or so. Car accident, industrial accidents, war. Never felt anything but adrenaline when I could.

  3. I died three times from a TBI. Was in a coma for a month. When I was in the ER and legally dead, I left my body. I saw friends and family in the waiting room, saw my body on the bed. I went to a place, bright but soft light. I spoke to my grandfather. Then I felt a pull and it all faded. This was all when I had no heart beat, cracked skull, swollen brain and no detectable brain waves/activity.

    When I woke from my coma a month later, I asked where my Grandfather was. He died 11 years before, but to me I had just talked to him. As I recovered for a day or two, I told my mother what I saw. I could have had no physical way to know who was in the waiting room or what the medical people were doing to me.

    I have been in combat, later was fire-rescue and have no fear. I know that physical death is only a birth into a wider existence. The feeling of love and wholeness is the best way I can explain what I experienced. I truly believe that our lives here on Earth is only a like a school or simulation to let us grow and learn.

  4. Just darkness and no sense of time. I knew something was wrong, but it was unimportant.

    I’ve had a few. Work and personal life.

  5. Vegas shooting. Immediate after, tough. Since, good perspective. Don’t get too stressed about problems since I could have died anyway

  6. My grandfather died for a few minutes and he said there was nothing. It’s wasn’t much different from going to sleep and waking up according to him.

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