What small or mundane gender stereotype/assumption really annoys you?

  1. Wearing latex, thong G-string underwear or swimwear. People assume that only gay guys can wear such. It’s not something that a straight guy can do without getting criticism

  2. Assuming that I like children. Nooo I don’t want to hold or say hi to your baby and I don’t think it’s cute, please get it away from me

  3. Maybe not that small but assuming because I’m female I want to hear about their diet/weight

  4. Patients and other workers in calling female medical students as “sister” and male med students as doctor. The canteen person even skips attend to them first even if we were there first.

  5. People assuming a man playing with a small child at the park is a pedophile. The few sickos have ruined it for all of the good fathers out there.

  6. Honestly, all of them. About men and women, people are people. They’re all different, all individual. Assumptions about people’s abilities, preferences, hobbies, anything, based purely on how they identify/present? Ridiculous. Especially since so fucking many of those stereotypes are based on really outdated and regressive ideals. I genuinely can’t think of a single one that I don’t think is stupid.

  7. Assuming women are all particular with cleanliness and have perfect cute handwriting. Hey I have the right to be messy as men

    Or the expectation that women all love make up and are perpetually worried about our weight. If I work out people are like “are you trying to lose weight?”and if I eat more people are like “you must not gain weight huh” I never hear people commenting about men’s weight and dietary habits

  8. Assuming X gender is bad at X. E.g., Women are bad drivers or men can’t cook/clean.

    I know many women don’t play video games but I do and I am good at them, please don’t talk down to me as if I don’t know what I’m doing.

  9. Why can’t boys like pink? I babysit a 4 year old and his favorite color is pink. He’s so embarrassed about it.

    HE’S 4! He still wears pull ups but knows pink isn’t for boys already.

  10. I get approached by a lot of strangers for directions, watching their stuff at the airport or people who just want to socialize? Why do people think I’m sociable and responsible lol

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