I have talked to this guy for a year and all of sudden they seem uninterested from not responding back much from our usual talks all within the span of a week. Should I say or ask them anything? Id rather have them be blunt and tell me they don’t want to talk to me than just slowly stop responding. We are long distance and have met up several times within the last year.

  1. At this point, you have nothing to lose. Just ask and if he says he’s not feeling it anymore then move on. Long distance for a year and nothing official has happened so truthfully it sounds like a waste of time.

  2. Can’t be sure but sounds very much like he’s pulling a slow fade. Have you reached out to him? Is he gone completely quite or just texting much less than usual? He could’ve gotten busy or going through something personal.

    I got ghosted after dating for half a year and it felt very similar to what you’ve mentioned. Went from texting much less to completely ignoring my calls and texts within a couple weeks. It’s been 2 months now and I’ve decided to move on without closure. But my advice to you would be to ask him for clarity on where your relationship stands. You mentioned you were just talking. He might feel like you weren’t interested in taking things further so he gave up? Just communicate how you feel and what you want. If it’s not what he wants, you’ll be free to move on.

    Whatever the outcome, stay strong.

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