I’ve heard that ugly guys can’t ever approach and that they should resort to meet their partners through friendship (which a lot of people seem to find manipulative). What’s the best way for an ugly guy to look for a partner?
Dating APPs are of the question, of course. Same as parties, bars, etc., as most women who go there tend to be average and good-looking, which are out of my league. Where can I meet ugly women? Maybe I could try to approach women who, often, get ignored. But thing is, I’m not fat. I want a below-average women with an average body.

  1. How about if you stop trying to assign weird values to yourself and women and just view everyone as human beings with good and bad traits. That’s all people are. A collection of good and bad things—every single human.

  2. When people tell you things, don’t automatically assume it’s correct. Because a lot of what people told you about ugly guys is wrong. Think critically first. There are no rules. Ugly guys can meet women (hot or not) in any way they want. Apps, bars, parties, through friends, work etc. Why should there be a limit on ugly guys? If anything, because they’re ugly they should try ALL methods to increase their chances

  3. Probably the streets of Vegas but in all seriousness no one Is ugly, everyone has different standards and believe it or not you are someone’s standard no matter how you look, now taking care of yourself definitely ups the amount of people who will be attracted to you but no matter what you will find someone who you don’t find ugly and doesn’t find you ugly because there are billions of people out there.

  4. I think you know from personal experience that people don’t like to be called ugly. So your plan is a non-starter.

  5. I’m not making the suggestion because I think that women who indulge are ugly or anything but, if your community has a Roller Derby League, it may be worth it for you to check out a tournament or game.

    There are many ladies of all shapes and sizes that play. I am suggesting this because, it would be easy to strike up a conversation with women just to ask questions about the game itself. I used to play myself and, there are plenty of folks who show up to games that don’t understand how the game works and, it would be easy to strike up a conversation with someone just asking questions about it.

    They also require many off skates people to come out in order to make their tournaments happen. You could try volunteering and, see if you meet someone that way.

    I hope this helps.

  6. Think of classic nerd/dorky women’s hobbies. If I wanted to specifically date an unattractive guy I would play board game tournaments, learn magic, maybe dabble in the local kink community. Places that are accepting of outcasts where I would consider trying to belong myself, make friends, socialize, and maybe date. The important thing is you will have to actually be interested in the things you try and be interested in the community beyond each person’s value as f*ckable objects so be especially aware of how you interrupt women’s spaces.

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