I’ve had a fantastic time in my late 20s and I feel like my 30s will be just as kick ass. I like to think your 30s is when your an actual adult who’s been through most things in life and you’ve learned to roll with the punches. Has this feeling last throughout your 30s and beyond?

  1. Answering your title question: no, I can’t say I found the prospect of turning 30 to be exciting. But it sounds like you’ve been pretty enthusiastic about how it’s been going so it’s probably going to turn out great. I have several friends who are far and away having the time of their lives now in their 30s, so hopefully you will too!

  2. I was. My husband and I achieved financial independence with no debt late 20s, so our 30s has been spent enjoying all the work we put into school and life in our late teens/20s.

    HOWEVER, I have had more health problems crop up since I’ve turned 30. They started late 20s. Doctor says I’m just getting older and have to accept that things aren’t going to bounce back as fast as they did before.

  3. Hell yeah.
    I kinda felt like a 30 year old during my late 20s.
    So when I finally turned 30 it felt like my identity was aligning with my age.

    Being the youngest 30 something >>> being the oldest 20 something.

  4. Yip. You got it figured out. 30s were awesome. A little less ” random Tuesday” stuff out with friends but more new experiences. Like, same friends but it was ” let’s go to this concert in far away city” or ” let’s get a beach cottage for a week.” And the random Tuesday hangouts mostly moved to our own places once we got nice places.

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