I just broke up with my girlfriend of three years yesterday. It’s a good decision since we weren’t there as much for each other as we needed. But I miss her so f*cking much. I feel like ripping my heart out so that I can’t feel anything anymore because of all the pain.

How long did it take for you to start feeling better? I can’t take this much pain for long.

  1. My first heartbreak took me forever, 1-2 years because he kind of ghosted me then popped back into my life and fucked with my head a lot.

    Generally tho it takes months to a year for me to mourn the loss of a person I was dating. the pain subsides quicker if you’re focusing on yourself. I know the feeling it will get better

  2. It’s different for everyone. I didn’t get over mine for years. But she broke up with me in a horrible way which caused some issues for me mentally. Thankfully I was able to get through it and life really is much better without her.

  3. It depends on a lot of things, I know for me it was about 3 years before I starting dating again. It may be hard but the best thing you can do is move on. Go have fun, wether that means having casual encounters or finding the next “one.” Never let that person hold you back though, trust me, they are never as good as the next person you fall for.

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