My American friends are always like “wtf is on your window why is it blurry” when I post pictures of the tree outside my window and I’ve noticed in movies that there are very rarely fly screens or security bars. Over here in Australia THATS like the first two things you look for in a house, especially if you have kids.

  1. I have screens on my windows but no bars. I don’t have any need for bars. Is it for security or for kids falling out?

  2. I’ve never been in a house without screens. You won’t really see security bars anywhere besides some sketchy neighborhoods

  3. Screens are very common in the South. Wheres your friend from?

    We only have bars on the windows in really bad neighborhoods though. Usually in certain sections of big cities. Theyre just not needed everywhere.

  4. Unless you live in a sketchy area, you probably don’t have bars on the windows in the U.S. Window screens are common though.

  5. I feel like most people have screens, but not bars. I only see bars in inner cities with extremely high crime.

    I dont even lock my house or cars.

    What do people need bars for?

  6. I have screens in my windows, and a screen door leading out to my balcony, but no bars. I’ve personally only ever seen bars on windows on homes in the southwest, or in really rough neighborhoods anywhere else.

  7. Screens are actually quite common as others have noted. I’m assuming that because you live in Australia you keep bars on your windows to keep out potential animal intruders. Is that correct?

    In the US we don’t really have any animals that pose a threat of intrusion, so if you live in a safe area there’s no need for it.

  8. Because our windows aren’t frequently opened. We just run the AC. Security bars are practical and you’ll see them in bad neighborhoods but for middle class suburbia they’re an eyesore and not super useful. Australia has a home invasion rate per capita just under twice the rate of the US.

  9. Our country is massive with different climates and ecosystems. If you live in an area with low crime, no or no bugs / insects, and only have a 1-2 story home, you would need none of those things.

  10. Screens are on every American house I’ve ever seen, I think most people just take pictures through the upper part of windows that don’t open and thus don’t have screens on them when they have to take pictures or videos through a window.

    As for security bars, I’ve only ever heard of those being a thing in South Africa where crime is insane, that’s really standard in Australia??

  11. Screens are super normal, idk if your screens look different than what your friend is used to or if your friend lives somewhere without screens. Bars are only common in certain locations (like most ground floor apartments in Hollywood have bars but most ground floor apartments by my area do *not*).

  12. My windows have screens.

    Only areas with a history of high crime have bars on windows.

  13. Screens are almost ubiquitous. I’m not sure what kind of American you are talking to that don’t know that window screens are.

  14. My security system comes in the 9mm, 12 gauge, 5.56mm and 7.62mm varieties. Don’t ruin my view with bars on my windows.

  15. Screens are super common. Bars are only common in more sketchy neighborhoods to keep people from breaking in.

  16. My understanding is that bars on windows can be dangerous if you need to escape through a window during a house fire.

  17. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a home that did not have window screens and I have lived all over the country. Usually it’s us asking the Europeans why they don’t have them.

    We don’t have security bars because break-ins are not a threat in most places. The only place you ever see those is neighborhoods you shouldn’t be hanging out in.

  18. Screens are pretty common. My house growing up had them for a time. We even had it on our front door. We ended up getting rid of it tho because we got air conditioning. Screen doors with it on are a good way to waste money

  19. We dont need bars but most of us have window screens? Our screens are just clearer ig

  20. I live in a second-floor apartment. The only window with bars is the one that opens onto the fire escape.

  21. Screens are normal, bars are not.

    Not sure why you’d have bars un AUS.. don’t the poison bugs / critters just kill off intruders?

  22. Do your windows in Australia slide either side to side or up and down? Or are they windows that swing completely open?

    Every window I’ve had in a house or apartment in the US that is capable of opening slides open either vertically or horizontally. The screen only ends up covering the half of the window that opens, leaving a lot of glass that is unobstructed by screen.

  23. Here in southern Cali where I live I notice a lot of places have fly screens but almost no bars. Only businesses have those. But fly screens are pretty common here

  24. Midwestern here, every window on every home I’ve ever lived in has had a screen if it could be opened. Only time I’ve had windows that can open that don’t have screens was when I was living in Europe as a student and it was annoying as heeeeeeeelll.

  25. Everyone has screens here but unless it’s a double hung window (opens from the top or bottom), the screen will only be on the bottom half, so a picture taken out the top half won’t have a screen.

    Not having screens would be awful, I’ve literally had squirrels climb on my screens.

    Security bars are usually only found in bad neighborhoods. Nobody in my neighborhood has them.

  26. We do have screens and as for security bars there’s two reasons.

    1. If our house catches on fire we want to get out.
    2. We have guns.

  27. I don’t think I’ve seen many homes without screens. The bars on windows depends on the neighborhood. The neighborhood I live in in LA is hit or miss, mostly no bars. I have seen bars on windows in suburbs and rural areas, usually out in the desert. Meth.

    Ideally people want to raise kids in a neighborhood with no bars since it’s seen as an indication of high crime.

    I don’t like bars on windows because I was always told they’re a fire hazard. Being disabled I wouldn’t have an easy time kicking them off.

  28. > in movies that there are very rarely fly screens

    This is probably just a practicality thing. For movie purposes, its hard to film through a window if there’s a screen over it. Fly screens are the norm in real life. Window bars aren’t though

  29. Places that need bars on the windows might have them. Most places don’t need bars on the windows because you never know who has a gun in Texas.

  30. Security bars are fairly common is rougher neighborhoods and larger cities. I’ve had screens in almost every house I’ve lived in (outside of a couple of older places).

  31. Screens are everywhere in the southern US my guy. And bars on windows exist in bad neighborhoods on houses and gas stations/small stores

  32. Every house I’ve ever seen as a screen. As for bars, they’re more common on first floors of bigger or more dangerous cities. My current apartment has them and I live in Hollywood.

  33. Movies and TV aren’t real. They remove everything that can obstruct the shots. If you look at cars, they usually remove the rear-view mirror so the camera gets a clear shot through the windshield.

    Security bars aren’t that common unless you’re in a dangerous place. We use windows as an emergency egress – and in a fire, you can’t remove the bolts holding those bars in place.

  34. To be fair, you live in a land where every bug is actively trying to kill you.

  35. Its equally unsafe to have bars on the windows. Bedrooms are required to have windows in a home so that you can escape during a fire. Bars on the window = no escape

  36. Movies and TV shows might omit the screens to improve the image.

    Modern premium window screens use a finer mesh, making them nearly invisible from every a short distance.

  37. We don’t have bars because if someone vreaks in there gonna here a mossberg pump and ccr play

  38. Everyone has screens pretty much. Barred windows aren’t so common though I think they used to be more common.

    I used to live in DC and was looking into getting bars on the windows but there were some local ordinances that wouldn’t allow people to. The old houses were allowed to keep theirs but no new bars were supposed to be put up. Not sure exactly why but the only thing I could think of was fire safety.

  39. The mesh screen we have on just about every window. Metal security bars though tends to be in specific areas, usually low income areas though some gentrified areas keep them.

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