I haven’t had friends, just acquaintances for the past year or so, my parents are kinda upset ab it but honestly the prospect of putting myself out there for someone to decide if they wanna be my friend or not is way too scary, so I’m school I’m pretty much quiet all day. However when I do stuff like swim practice I get out of my shell a lil bit and kinda just goof around bc these are kids I’ve known since I was like 7 and I’m comfortable being myself, even if I’m a little embarrassing around them. To get to the point, there’s this new girl on our team and we just kinda made small talk throughout practice ab whatever, like the hardness of the set or how cold the pool was. I didn’t think much of it, but my older sister is friends with her older sister and apparently the girl went home and told her parents ab how she made a new friend?? My sister also told me her name which I had been too embarrassed to ask for before so that was cool. Anyways, I’m happy ab the chance to pursue a friendship but I’m kinda out of practice with the whole making new friends business so I really don’t know where to go from here. And while I’m in this sub there’s a person I’m in a gc with and talk a lot with in that gc but we never talk irl, even though we see each other a lot (again, swim practice) so how should I go ab talking with them more?

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