I’ve never posted on Reddit before but I need to get some shit off my chest. I have a “friend” in which I feel I have been nothing but genuine to from the start. Throughout our friendship I’ve become increasingly aware of her being the “negative Nancy” of our friend group. I know she deals with her own insecurities as we all do but I feel like she feels the need to project her insecurities onto other people… even people that she would consider her friend.

We met at the very beginning of our ABSN program and she’s one of those people who is just naturally smart, has a stellar memory & academics just come to her with ease. I on the other hand have had to work my ass off to get the grades that I do & I’m damn proud of it. I recently heard of some pretty harsh things she’s said regarding me & my studies that she has said about me behind my back (even though BOTH of us will be graduating with honors) & it is indeed mildly infuriating. Actually no I’m pissed tf off bc I really don’t see the need for her to say such hurtful things.

On top of that we’ve both accepted positions to work at the same location post graduation. I just don’t know how to move forward or address the situation without making everything awkward. I’d love to say that I don’t care but being that I considered this person my friend it’s rather hard to brush it off so easy.

1 comment
  1. Rather than focus on her being “Generally a Negative Nancy” (which is kinda non-specific so its low-helpfulness and a bit more hurtful in tone) — Id take a two-pronged approach:

    1. Focus in her mental health and happiness. show concern for her and ask if she is depressed or struggling with something – and point out she seems to have a bit of a “darker view of the world” of late.

    2. Focus on how specific things shes said or done have hurt other people – and kinda just help her out without accusing. e.g. say “I know you didnt mean to hurt Eric’s feelings by this, but when you said this i think it might have made him feel ….”

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