How do you get over cringey/embarrassing things you’ve done in public social situations?

  1. Bury them in the deepest darkest recessed parts of your mind and learn from said actions and not repeat

  2. Process them rationally until the emotion is left out, as if it was a report on the situation, then take what you must from it, draw conclusions and take the decision to have measures prepared so it doesn’t happen again.

  3. Kill everyone who saw me do that embarrassing thing. If you one saw it did it really actually happen?

  4. Remind myself that everyone who saw me was a stranger and probably already forgot about it

  5. Nobody really remembers that and if they do, it’s somewhere in the back of their head while they think about the embarrasing things they did.

  6. The strangers that saw don’t remember your name. The people that know your name and are important to you don’t hold it against you.

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