Context: I’m a Christian[Indian, M21] who goes to a very conservative church. p.s. I myself am not so conservative. The girl I’m into is older than me by ~1.5 years. We talk a lot in church and during youth meetings but don’t talk much outside of that.
I really like her. I’ve known her for 3 years now. We’ve gone many many times(along with other members of the church youth group). I love her personality.

Now here’s the problem, she’s in my church. This by default creates the possibility of her being conservative and not down for anything other than marriage(that too an arranged marriage).

As she is older than me she could be married off as soon as she finishes her postgrad.

So, even though we know each other we don’t know know each other and I don’t know if I should risk it and tell her how I feel because if she doesn’t feel the same way then church is gonna be hella awkward. And there could be fallout on my family too if she decides to tell anyone as relationships are considered taboo in India.

What do I do??? O wise people of r/dating, lend me your wisdom.

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