If yes – What kind of situation?

  1. Too many to list. But the most important ones are being able to safely drag/carry someone from a fire, tend wounds beyond the scope of basic first aid, carry and sprint with my niece 100yds. Good incentive to keep in shape.

  2. I’m from Iraq

    I always play dangerous situations as practice if the real deal happens

    I’m always on my gaurd and I like no one so not really i do think about standing up for people but not a specific person

    What kind? A civil war,terrorist attack ,protests ,robbery, militia warfare ,kidnappings, you know the usual things we call Tuesday over here

  3. Definitely. Pulling her from a car wreck, pushing her out of the way of a falling object, stopping a mugger, the usual stuff you hear about on the news that everyone wishes they could save someone from

  4. Is the OP trying to romanticize this?

    Anyway, as a young man, occasionally. Ss an old fart, nah

  5. Honestly, the ‘girl I like’, in this context, is my best friend and former comrade-in-arms. She’s a little ginger badass who can give me a run for my money on most weapon systems except anything that absolutely requires the use of an optical sight, for some reason. I fantasize about us fighting side by side and the stress of the situation finally getting to us and, in a quiet moment we actually articulate what both already know is true but can’t admit.

    I’m pretty sure our spouses would forgive a quick danger-snog during a gunfight.

    Love you, Carrots.

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