Why or why not would you donate eggs for $4k?

  1. Sure, I don’t want them.

    Sadly I’m passed the age limit cut off 🤷🏻‍♀️

  2. 4k is just not enough to potentially have a kid out there. I would if im really in need but thankfully that hasnt happened ever

  3. $4k is not nearly enough money to compensate me for the trouble of going through the harvesting process: the meds and the invasive procedure(s). Also I don’t like having anyone up in my business any more than I have to (like when it’s a requirement for my doctor to renew my BC prescription) *and* my genetics are hot garbage and there’s no reason for me to want to propagate them.

    4K is a joke.

  4. Not a chance. From what I understand, there’s a whole lot of tinkering with hormone levels and such that goes on beforehand, in order to ensure the eggs are at maximum fertility when harvested, and it’s hell on the person donating. It can also be medically risky for the donor.

  5. It’s not well researched regarding the aftermath but even so many appear to develop horrible things like intestinal cancer if I remember correctly. Definitely not worth risking your health for 4k

  6. $4K is a ripoff. Donating eggs typically starts at $5K, average is $10K payout, with medical treatments, visits, expenses and travel to the clinic paid by the couple who wants them. A $4K number sounds like some backdoor/black market shit.

  7. I did look into it once for 10k. But injecting hormones and changing my wellness and body and going through so much trouble didn’t seem worth it.
    I also have pelvic floor issues and having the probe get inserted into the vagina and retrieve the eggs sounds scary af!

  8. I have a child surrendered for adoption out there. I have a hard time as it is with the one child that is currently out there somewhere, I don’t want more than that.

    I’m also too old and my family line is full of weird random genetic shit.

  9. You don’t get money for donating eggs in my country, it’s more like a volunteering thing. And I have considered considering it. For 4K I would definitely look into it. But without further research on the entire process, I cannot tell you whether I would or wouldn’t.

  10. I would donate eggs for free to the right person.

    But if you want to buy my body parts? You have to aim far, far higher than $4k. Add about nine zeroes to that amount and we can talk about I think you have the means to support a child of my genetics even though you cannot approach me with a request like a person who shows empathy, compassion, and the sort of social connection skills I think are necessary to rear a child properly. If you can afford $4,000,000,000,000 for eggs, then you can afford to hire stand-in parents to meet the kiddo’s emotional needs.

  11. It’s not as easy as you think. I’ve applied once (not for the money, but for the idea), and I wasn’t accepted

  12. $4k is not remotely enough to convince me to go through that whole process. I know women who have donated their eggs for more than that and it was rough on them.

    Also I really don’t think I’d qualify anyway given I have mental health issues and RA.

  13. I would because I need the money and give zero fucks about my eggs. Hell, I’d do it for $2k. My genes are shit anyway, if someone was willing to pay for them I’d yeet them their way ASAP.

  14. I would love to donate eggs but I’m not allowed to because I have clinical depression.

  15. No. Oh, god, you couldn’t pay me enough to know there is a part of me tumbling somewhere in this world

  16. No.

    First off, it’s my genetic material and I feel weird selling my genetic material, somehow feels wrong.

    Then, the time and the hassle it represents.

  17. I can’t. I have a long list of mental illness and disabilities that prevent me from doing so. Otherwise I would because I could definitely use the money

  18. 4k would be fine for me considering donating eggs is illegal in my country and done for free in the closest country to mine where it is legal.

    The reason I wouldn’t donate them is because of the bad genes I could pass down to a biological child when it comes to potential health issues, and those being a curse from birth and a needless risk more than anything.

  19. The money sounds nice, it’s way more than what they offer anywhere in my country but my genes are pretty shit, I’m not sure if I’d want to pass them down on someone else. I don’t think I’d even be approved for the procedure tbh.

  20. I would not feel comfortable knowing there was someone biologically my kid just somewhere random in the world.

  21. 4k is not enough to deal with those needles and my severe needlephobia. Ild think about it for 400 million.

    Besides, i have endometriosis and adenomyosis. No one would want my eggs.

  22. Nope, not on my life. I looked into surrogacy but the parents I met shouldn’t be near a plant let alone a child.

  23. I wouldn’t do it for any price. I was conceived using a donor and no one really considers the offspring’s feelings in this matter. Reducing genetic material to money makes it feel like you are selling and trafficking children.

  24. Not even for all the money in the world. I don’t want kids, and therefore don’t want anybody else have my kids. Especially since the harvesting process is grueling.

  25. I could not give my eggs away. Knowing that my biological child is out there and not knowing that it is being treated properly would destroy me.

  26. Nope. If you were meant to be a parent biologically, it would happen the old fashioned way. As for becoming a parent by any way, that’s why there is adoption and fostering. If you are so self centered that it only counts biologically, see above.

  27. No. Not only is that not nearly enough compensation, but the thought of the potential side effects of the hormones (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome) and the risks associated with having a needle placed through the wall of my vagina and into my pelvic cavity concerns me too much.

  28. lol no first of all donating for 4K isn’t so much donating as it is selling and I don’t see how 4K is anywhere near enough compensation for the ordeal of egg retrieval. Secondly, I’d feel weirded out having my biological children walking around without knowing them.

  29. Only four grand? Not nearly worth it. Fifty grand…per ovum? Hell yeah totally but just for four…no thanks.

  30. In the UK you’re not allowed to be paid for them. We get £750 as compensation for missed time off work but it’s not a net gain at all.

    They do it to force the act to be fully altruistic, to prevent poorer women being forced into it, I can’t say I fully agree with how it’s set up financially, given the health risks involved, but I am currently going through the process myself, primarily because I’m bi & so there’s a solid chance I’ll need to use a sperm donor to conceive & I like the idea of ‘give & take’ in helping ppl conceive

    So Yh I’d do it for $4K, but it wouldn’t be enough to convince me to do it if I wasn’t planning to do it anyway

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