What did your first job and first paycheck feel like?

  1. Super fun job, super disappointing pay check.

    Camp counselor for my local BSA summer camp, I think my weekly earning were ~$215. Housed on site in tents with electricity, food provided. 1 night off a week, and a 24hr break between camp weeks.

  2. It was a dishwasher at an extremely busy restaurant. The heat, steam, and rotting food made me throw up on the way home… first shift was 10 hours. Minimum wage was $3.35 an hour. My entire first month’s pay did not cover cleaning the seats of my girlfriend’s sister’s car (She gave me a ride home that first night).

  3. FIRST paycheck as a teen, it was a bit of pocket money. In the late 80’s I was making a couple of hundred a week from my various part time jobs (still in high school). Joined the military right out of high school, and those paychecks sucked. I made more as a high school student.

  4. Work was not bad but the pay and hours were bad. I think I was capped at 20hrs per week and pay was low so my take home was not much more than $100/week. Gas was almost $4/gal so that money didnt go far

  5. I was 12. I made $150 a month for doing something i loved. It was kind of like getting paid for going to day camp during the summer.

  6. I had like $400 in my checking account and I had no idea what to do with my newfound wealth.

    So I went and bought World of Warcraft.

  7. Worked with computers. I was 15 and it would have been almost $1,800 in 2022 dollars ($15 an hour in 1995).

    At the time, great. In retrospect, awful. I think it was too much money for me to be making at the time and it threw off my expectations on what my time was worth for quite a while.

    I was able to walk into a store a buy a PlayStation, controllers and a bunch of games. No problem. And it was like that for a couple months. I wasn’t a full time employee, but a contracted temp.

    The next job I had after that was about 3 years later for minimum wage, which was like closer to $5 an hour.

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