I’m talking like in her third trimester.

  1. Apparently she would be more of a significant other for me, than me a significant other for her. You don’t do that to someone you love and have a relationship of trust.

  2. How would you fail to notice the lack of periods for so long?

    Anyway to answer the question, raise the child.

  3. Most women start showing in their second trimester and the other signs of pregnancy are pretty obvious. You’d have to be pretty oblivious, or she would have to be an exceptional case, for you to not realize your SO was pregnant by that point.

  4. Well I’d have to be retarded to not notice so I’d be dealing with the fact that I was learning about my mental disability for the first time.

  5. I would be really happy if she was my wife

    I would be very disappointed if she were my girlfriend because there’s no way that’s mine

    In a legitimate relationship I would go flipping everywhere go to the middle of nowhere shout and cry of happiness I’d call my mom and tell her a whole goddamn party and everything

  6. I have a vasectomy…so there would be some questions that need to be answered. Also, my girl is very tiny…so that third trimester baby gonna be super small.

  7. When did She find out? How did you not notice she’s pregnant? (Deployed, unobservant, what?)

    Not enough info here.

  8. Like she didn’t know till then? I’d be serious concerned about how well her brain is working

  9. My ex-wife have polycystic ovary syndrome, so she had a period once in 3-4 months, she didn’t notice anything, she one day randomly did a test it was positive, I just hugged her and wanted to have kids with her, we lasted a little longer then a year

  10. “In my own defense, I’m pretty freaking tall, I’m not going to notice it as easily as one of the shrimps”

  11. I’d be pissed because that would mean that she knew she was pregnant for a while and hid it from me…at the very least you could have said “my period is late so I’m going to get a test”…it’s just irresponsible and selfish.

    If you’re going to hide a pregnancy what else would you hide? and what kind of parent are you going to be if you can’t communicate properly with the father? if you plan on having the child then you should be focused on the child and not your personal feelings…

  12. Yea like if you where living together the whole time how did you never realize? Did she lie and say she was just gaining weight? We need more info. People are going to go the the extreme like they always do on reddit and tell you to leave her but for God sakes don’t do that. It’s really not that big of a deal after you process the information and deal with it and I’m just going to assume she was terrified to tell you for some reason. Maybe she thought you would be mad or something

  13. Red flag and trust in her is pretty much gone. Instantly think she is fucking around too. Context is key though. What is her reasoning and did she know or was she being sneaky?

  14. I’d ask her who the father is and if she said it’s me, I’d demand a paternity test.

  15. She was my ex and told me 2 months after I broke up with her. Thankfully it wasn’t too late and she said she terminated it hopefully she actually did.

    I was freaking out it would have destroyed my life, I know have a vasectomy.

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