Hey everyone I’m 24 years old and just got out of a 2 year relationship about 6-7 months ago. To keep it short, she left me because apparently I wasn’t the same when I came back from the navy. We kept trying to work things out and she ended up getting pregnant for me with twins. I was a little scared, I won’t bullshit. I didn’t have my own father growing up and had no idea how to deal with that but it was weird I was both scared and happy. Months go by and we ended up losing our twins. Both of us were devastated by it but at the time I can see that she was mentally over everything it was the last straw. Shit started going south and we got “kicked” out our apartment due to the landlord remodeling the place so she decided to call off the relationship and I saw it coming and I’ve been chasing her for years so it was a tough pill to swallow lol so now we’ve been separated for a little and she contacted me to tell me she’s pregnant and I’ve been through pain but nothing hurt as much as that did. Now, is there proof? No. But who lies about something like that so I took her word for it. I congratulated her and wished her and her baby well. Deep down I’m hurt but I’ve been doing my best to stay consistent in life but sometimes it eats away at me. She messaged me again and sent photos of us when we were together. I miss her but she’s not mine anymore. It’s a unique shitty situation. Not sure how to feel about anything.

1 comment
  1. I imagine you feel like absolute shite bro.

    All you can do is your best.

    Not sure why she is torturing you though.

    All the best.

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