Women of Reddit: you go back to your dates place and seeing this makes you leave immediately. What is it?

  1. Animal feces on the floor. Shows a serious lack of responsibility, maturity, and I question their hygiene practices.

  2. A dirty home. Or my/his/ours/whatever country’s flag on the wall.

    Orrr like stick insects or snails as pets, or cockroaches or anything like that as food for some pet reptile. I would quite literally run out of there.

  3. Viking paraphernalia. I’ve dated some weird guys but the ones who are obsessed with vikings are the most delusional.

    Hard drugs.

    Air mattress on the floor.

    An American flag.

  4. I would say, a dirty bathroom. Also, if they don’t have sheets and just a dirty blanket covering their mattress.

  5. Nazi shit (way to tell me beforehand you piece of shit), horrible messes, an awful smell, food in the bathroom, no toilet paper, American flag shit, and more

  6. A poster of a hot bikini babe/porn star girl who looks nothing like me.

    Or any Trump paraphernalia

  7. Not someone I was romantic with but I saw a guy I was really friendly with flat- he had a duvet cover with no sheets or anything on it- so mattress and duvet and pillows etc bare and I was just like. If that was me I wouldn’t bother

  8. I have no problem with anything Trump or the American flag. I tend to look at his video game and movie collection how violent is it? The degrading visuals of women around or in the game as he plays really say something.(who cares what they look like) Cleanliness is definitely a huge factor …..Dishes. I look not only at the kitchen but where they are around the house and who hasn’t cleaned their share because if one person is that way they usually all are.

  9. Tons of photos of him and/just his mom, Nazi/Trump stuff, or an absurd amount of NSFW posters and dakimakuras around.

    The posters/dakimakuras and pictures of mom are fine in moderation, but too much screams “run” to me.

  10. Lack of basic hygiene. It doesn’t have to look like a magazine but if you’re having someone over, at minimum clean the toilet and have a fresh hand towel available after washing hands.

    Ideally tidy surfaces, have fresh bed sheets, vacuum so there’s not dust balls and cobwebs around. There can be mess, but I shouldn’t walk out wanting to shower and wash everything I wore..

  11. Reading these responses leads me to believe there are a lot more Nazis with enough game to bring a girl home than I would’ve imagined. With that said, come on guys, if you’re feeling confident and your mojo is up any given night, it takes like 30 seconds to take your Nazi flag down temporarily. Preparation is key.

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